Praise the LORD!!!
Some may say! Some may say what? Some may be saying that I've a bit of an attitude about the church and it's sickly condition!!! I've got to agree, yes I agree 100%!!!
Let me give you the basis for this bad attitude and you may see exactly why I've such a standing against the BODY to which I'm a member. I've not come to this on my own at all, it has all come about by the hands of the LORD. Anyone that has a true understanding of GOD's sovereign control over all events in our lives, will understand this statement, but I will go into detail to kind of connect the dots:)))
As most of you know, I'm the one that starts all my comments and articles online with a "PTL!!!" This because, I realize that every little detail within my life has, and will continue to be, been controlled by GOD HIMself, for HIS purpose in fulfilling HIS perfect will for my life and mankind!!! I know this is a bit of a controversial topic, I'll not argue it, but it is my understanding and one that is set in stone(the ROCK!!!) Over the last couple of years, I've been led on a great adventure, one that led me to head for Kingsville, Texas from Utopia, Ohio on foot. Details of this walk can be found online in many places, so I'll not go into details here.
On the first attempt, was it an attempt or GOD's purpose directly:), I had contact with many Christians and for the most part, they were those that didn't attend church on a regular basis. Most of these told me directly that they had closely the same opinions about the churches (not only those buildings they attended, but the Christian body itself), they'd been in contact with over the years. Most of these, were not new converts to the Christian faith, but those seasoned souls that had been members of the BODY for years. Now when you have people such as this, tell you things, it is best to listen, for they've garnered things based on a 'mature' understanding of what Christianity is truly supposed to be about.
Too much hypocrisy, too much gossip, too much arguing, all about money, too large of a focus on accepting the world and it ways-instead of separation from it and a focus on 'themselves'( the building, the programs, their own membership) and not reaching out to the un-churched and those in need around them. Now, this may be a lot to chew on, but this is what the LORD has been feeding me on for most of the ministry!!! These things were not new to me, they'd been being laid on my heart for years. I've lived in numerous areas over the years, I've been in many a church and even considered as part of numerous of them and I've seen these exact 'problems' in many of them. Some, only in part and in others the whole lot of these. What the LORD's purpose for me in taking part, and gathering this witness, in all this, I don't know, but I do know, HE does have purpose for it and it will come to fruition someday.
Now, here is the point where I sit on the roadside for 6 1/2 hr. on a Sunday morning, with three broken toes on one foot and the knee on my other leg blown out. Watching as hundreds of people are on their way to church, returning from church and out and about on their Sabbath day. Now, most of you know what people going to church look like, or those little signs that are displayed on Christian's vehicles. Imagine now, being in need of assistance and just watching all this brothers and sisters in CHRIST just passing you by, looking your way, but just speeding on their own ways, forsaking the very Christian principles that are supposed to bind us together as one united BODY!!! A bit disheartening, to say the least.
Now, let's move on to the more present times. In mid May, while reporting local storm warnings, part of the ministry, the ministry's computer suffered a lightening strike. Thank GOD, it only resulted in a partial meltdown, taking out the graphics card and disabling other details of the motherboard's operating systems. All of which I've no idea about, but was blessed to barely manage to keep the system online, though at a very limited extent. I broadcast this message, one of the ministry being in need of a replacement for this computer. Those that have followed V.CM. for any extent of time know, this ministry doesn't ask for donations, but ask that you pray over our needs and then do that which the LORD lays upon your heart. Here is where the difficulty with this matter lies. The LORD comforted my heart, by letting me know HE'd laid all of these needs upon the hearts of others and that now this matter was in the hands of those that call upon HIS name as LORD and SAVIOR.
Here it, the second week of August, I'm on a computer that was moth-balled because of age and complete lack of expandability. (The other system, having burnt up at the beginning of the last week.) I have received several promises for computers; one a thrift store donation, another a hand me down when they replace their current system and one where a Christian sister put out a plea and promised $50 to start with. As I said I'm currently on a moth-balled system, so you should be able to know what has come of these. I am thankful for these people's efforts, but yes it is disheartening that nothing has yet to come into fruition!
I've made it not secret that I totally depend upon the LORD's provisions and HE has met all of my needs completely, at least those of keeping me feed, clothed, in an apartment and online(just met this last night, with money from the works of my hands). I've entered every contest giving away computer systems. I'd like you to really think about that last sentence, a Christian minister, trying to run a ministry, having to depend on those of the 'WAYS of the WORLD' to meet their needs!!! Where is the BODY of CHRIST in all of this??? Where is that Christian charity, that so permeated the first century church??? What has happened to the CHURCH, that is to love it's other members, as it loves itself??? I've recently witnessed a woman, whose dog was bite by a rattlesnake, receive $1800 for the dogs care and these were all 'worldly' people. What has happened to the once great church, that reached out and provided the needs of others???
Now, this is what I'm led to get you to see!!! If I've this attitude, with my being only of flesh and bone, how do you think the LORD views these circumstances???
Thursday, August 11, 2011
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