Monday, March 15, 2010

Stepping out AGAIN!!!

 Praise the LORD!!!

     Well it looks like I'm stepping out of the boat again. Yes, again!!! The LORD has led me to keep on moving forward though no one has enlisted to help or join the ministry. This time it is going to be a two part notification. One, as to the style of the ministry, which, if you've been following me online you may already know. Two, the opening up, to take on others for key positions within the ministry and the collection of whatever people would like to donate.

      In the last several days I've been letting people know that VCM isn't your normal type of ministry. We're going to be working from the principles of the 1st century church. Now this is a very important aspect to take note of, for one reason alone. It means that anyone who wants to join and give everything in order to serve the LORD is welcome. This is basically what I did in the early part of 05, when the LORD led me to take part in a missions trip to Haiti, or at least this is what I thought at the time. I sold my house and almost everything I had, but the bare essentials, made the arrangements with a supervising group and headed for Louisiana. Though this trip didn't take place, because the LORD had other plans for my being there, everything that I thought had been needed for the operations of the ministry were gotten rid of. It was down to the bare necessities of life. My Bibles, computer, clothing and limited cookware was all that was left. The money from everything that was sold was banked and ready to put to use in whatever manor the LORD led me to.

   Well, for those of you that don't know the story, because you've not read about it at the ministry's website, the trip was canceled, due to kidnappings in Haiti of missionaries, and I ended up riding through two of the most devastating hurricanes in U.S. history, Katrina and Rita. This is where the LORD had wanted me to be, so I could garner information and witness the operations of other organizations and their ideas about disaster relief operations. Now this is also where the stockpiled money came into use. We had a pretty good pantry set up where we lived and as soon as it was safe to venture out to access the damage, I was giving it out to help those around the neighborhood survive. I'd been a 'survivalist' type for years, plus a Boy Scout, and knew to always keep a good supply of non perishable foods around, because you never know when disaster may strike or where. Believe me, when you've no power and it may be weeks before you get any, items that are quick and easy to prepare are a must.

   Now if you can recall how the early saints sold everything that they had and left everything behind of their normal lifestyles to serve the LORD, you're know what I'm leading to. We'll gather everything that we need to help others and maintain life for ourselves into a common fund. Living and operating out of this fund. I can hear some people now saying that this is a cult or something, well its not. A cult would make you do this, we won't. If you want to keep a personal bank account, job, or maintain a normal lifestyle, that is fine with us. But this is the principle behind the ministry. If there is one person that is in need of something, the funds will be made available to them, no questions asked. There will eventually be housing supplied at all of our operational centers. Where members of the center will be able to live, all without the worries of paying rent or a mortgage. The same will be done for insurance and healthcare and any other thing you can think of, all will be coming from the ministry's central funds. This will pertain to those that opt in completely, but for those that decide to provide for themselves for the most part, they'll be taken care of in conditions outside of the normal bounds of their provisions, in this way keeping them in the standard that they've set for their lives.

   How is all this going to come about? I've no idea, but this is where my stepping out of the boat comes in. The LORD has led me to this set up and I've faith that HE shall bring it about. How and when, I've no idea, but I do know, it shall be as HE has shown me. If I were to lean on my own understandings, I'd be saying forget it and going to find me another means of making a living, but I don't, I trust in the LORD completely. It's HIS ministry, it's HIS leading and it's faith in HIS provision and guidance that will make this ministry into that which HE wills for it to be, not mine. This all sounds a bit crazy, I admit, but GOD isn't known for doing things in the normal ways. HE's known for doing things in ways that show HIS power and abilities to change things and make things out of conditions that most would think impossible. If I didn't have the amount of faith that HE's blessed me with, I'd be telling HIM "to find someone else to build this for YOU, because I don't see it happening." But I'm not, because i do believe in HIS ability to do anything HE deems.

   Another aspect of the 1st century church that we must take note of, one that most may of forgotten about. That is, that they're willing to put their very lives on the line to serve and glorify the LORD. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. When it comes to their bringing glory to the LORD, it takes center stage and they give it their best and their all to accomplish this task. Right down to their very blood, sweat and tears. Giving their life if needed, to share the GOSPEL and to show the LORD's love for all of mankind. I'm talking about people here, that will go into extremely dangerous situations to save the life of another person. Kind of along the lines of firefighters, police officers or members of the military, those that are willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for their cause if need be. Not that everyone with the ministry will be in these kinds of conditions, but this is the heart that we seek our people to have, a true Christian spirit, one that knows that their rewards truly are awaiting them with the LORD and not here on earth.

   So why am I telling you all this now? For one great reason, to serve CHRIST is to operate totally in the open, or as is spoken of today in ministry circles, ministry transparency. All the facts and figures are laid out for everyone that wants to see them, nothing, absolutely nothing is hidden. There won't be people in the future that will be able to say that funds were misappropriated by this ministry. Or that these facts weren't revealed in the beginning. Because here it is right before your eyes and the eyes of anyone that wants to check into this ministry. Every detail of this ministry will be open for anyone to see, every cent will be accounted for and all records will be constantly checked for accuracy, by numerous people. This will set this ministry apart from all others and also make it operate unlike any other of its type. Accurate records help to produce accurate results. No mess ups, like those that took place in most of the disaster responses anyone can recall. Just look at Haiti's earthquake response. Fifty groups, all doing their own thing, getting in each others way and delaying and at times even preventing the help from getting to those that needed it! More on these aspects will come at a later date, something for you to look forward to.

   Now for the second part of this stepping out session. I'm currently living in a host family's home. I've been with this family for about six months now. It is time for us to begin gathering every sort of supply we can get our hands on. I've no earthly idea where anything would be put, but this is what I'm led to do and announce at this time. This means everything, and anything that you can imagine. From the smallest of office needs to heavy equipment and vehicles! You're hearing me right. If you've an old, working piece of equipment that you'd like to donate, do so. I mean it, this sounds crazy and believe me I know it does, but this is just as I'm being led. Somehow and someway the LORD is going to provide for a place to put it and have it ready to be used in whatever manor is needed. If you're wondering about this plea, don't worry you're not alone, because I can't even begin to imagine how this will be done. Both my personal bank account and the ministry's are tapped out. I've not the money to buy a piece of penny candy, let alone a storage yard or buildings, but this is that which I'm being led to do, so I'm doing it. I know this is stepping out in faith, BIG time, but this is how blessed with faith the LORD has made me. When all seems impossible, I know that HE can and will do what needs to be done, to bring HIS plans into fruition. This is the biggest step of faith I've ever even thought about making, but one I know in my very core of being, that GOD will make a way for it all to happen!!! So if you've extra office supplies laying around and you're being led to donate them, send them off. Computers, send them. Semi trucks and trailers, deliver them. Whatever the LORD is leading you to do in reference to this ministry, don't think twice about it, just do it. Someway, somehow, GOD is going to make this all work out to HIS ultimate glory. I know this all sounds like the rantings of a madman, if I am, it because I'm crazy about JESUS and want the whole world to know it. There is no better way to serve the LORD then in complete humility and trust. I don't care what a single person thinks about me or this ministry at this time, for they will see the truth about it in the near future, when the fruits of it begin to take shape and we're going in where even angels fear to tread, helping people in their greatest times of need and doing it all for the glory of JESUS CHRIST, our LORD and SAVIOR!!!

   As always, I ask no one to do any of this without first putting it to prayer!!! Then and only then, if you're led to step out of the boat like I have, don't doubt in the least, just take the first step. Believe me there is nothing like knowing deep within your heart that what you've done is that which GOD has led you to do. Nothing on this earth can compare!!! So if you're on fire for the LORD and seeking a means of serving HIM like no other ever before brought together. This just may be where the LORD is leading you. So just ask HIM, not another person, but HIM alone and be willing to do all that HE's led for you to do. For to run the race, with your eyes firmly set on the rewards at the end is the goal that you seek and it is the one that only you can make the choice to strive for. So whether its carrying your cross around the globe or helping those in need. I just say, step out and never look back, for in trusting JESUS your life will never be the same again!!!