Thursday, January 1, 2015

The last several weeks...

Praise the LORD!!!
   For we've been blessed with the beginning of another year, but truly, as of yet, it is but only one day. So many seek to plan out that which "they'll accomplish" within the bounds of this new year. Yet, they've no more of an idea as to if they will be blessed with any of it.

   The last several weeks, I've been away. Not physically, but spiritually!!! My mind and heart have been totally upon that which the LORD has set forth for me. HIS ministry thru me.

   Most all others though, have been living it up. After all, this is the holiday season. Christmas and New Years all wrapped up conveniently together. To me, these are but days, another day within those I've been blessed with. Another day to glorify the LORD within all that I do.

   Now, let's return to these last several weeks, in which I was seldom here(online.) I was here the whole time, but I was only led to partake in a very limited manor. Sharing a little here and a little there, but not the usual bombardment of WORD into other's lives!!!

   The reason for this, is that another phase of my life for the LORD is about to take place. And there was the need to form up the guidelines and knowledge base needed to step into it.Like all good foundations, they're solidly set. Solidly set upon the ROCK JESUS CHRIST.

   Though I've been led to go back to "a means" of earning an income for the ministry and self, my feet are still firmly planted upon all that the LORD has led me to understand. Yes, you heard me right, "that the LORD has led me to understand." For, that which I post online and live out in my life, are not my own understandings. Not in the least.

   Sure, I've read thousands of pages of scripture, thousands of pages of books written by men and listened to thousands of hours worth of teachings. Still, not one jot or tittle is that of my own understanding. You may wonder how this is possible!?! Simple, for I am dead. I am dead to this world and all it's ways. I'm dead to the flesh. The flesh that so strives against anything that even closely resembles holiness. A flesh, that would rather pleasure in one moment of pleasure, even if it meant an eternity of suffering and separation from GOD.

   This goes back to the moment of my salvation. Where I gave the LORD everything. Sure, mine was a "prison conversion," but far from that of most. For it wasn't one of those "Lord, I give you my life, if you'll but get me out of this mess," types of conversions. No, it was the wholehearted, "LORD, this life that is within me, it is YOUR's and YOUR's alone. All that I have, all that I am, or ever will be, are YOUR's. Do as YOU will, lead and I'll follow." Hopefully, you can see that there is a determination within my life. Not to live for self, but to live that life which HE has set before me. Not for my purposes or gain, but for HIS glory alone!!!

   Now, back to the direction this entry was intended to head in. I know not the reasons, or even dwell on the possibilities of why, people(yes, y'all) fail to see, hear or take note of that which the LORD has had me working on for years. Whatever it may be, doesn't really matter, it is my task to continue on doing as I'm led. Those other matters, are between each person and their LORD/lord(yes, those spellings are correct(think about it.))  

   I've been blessed in the last several weeks, with not being able to work. It's hard for a carpenter to work, when they can barely walk around, it's a very mobile profession. In this time, I've consumed more scripture and scriptural writings than most will in this coming year. Along with this, I've crammed hours worth of study in photography and post processing. Everything I could read or watch to become proficient in the art and business of photography. A part of my life for many years, long ago. But Oh, how things have changed since those days, not in "myself" alone, but the technology behind the art. These things, they've all been devoured and stockpiled, ready for usage, when the time comes.

   Now, comes a time of questions. Questions, which I truly don't expect answers from, because I've learned that people don't answer my questions anyway.
Have I not been among you for these many years, constantly(well almost) set before you a mass of scripture and related writings??? Can you not see, that there is a wholehearted devotion for the LORD in this life of mine??? Have not your tables been blessed with food to feed your spirits??? Why then do you shun this ministry and it has to survive on only that which I'm blessed to provide???

   This ministry was set forth during a time when ministers and their cohorts, have battered down your doors, to gain your tithe, that they deem they deserve. Yet, a fresh air ministry that doesn't follow in like manor, is shunned or maybe just forgotten. This ministry is not alone though. For there are numerous others, where the minister takes from their own plates to set before those in need. Many may not consider many, if not most of these, as not being true ministries. In all actuality, these are truer ministries than most of the others. For they give and give, not expecting earthly rewards or fame, but to but once hear their LORD and SAVIOR say "well done"!!!

*** As usual, I've no idea the reasoning behind this post. Except for the fact that I was led to do so. I received the leading and have done as led, the rest, as with all things in my life, are in the LORD's hands !!! GOD bless :{)))

Monday, December 29, 2014

Almost there...

Praise the LORD!!!

   Well folks, we're almost there. At the end of another year and the beginning of a new one. And like every other year's end, we've tons of "ministries" and "organizations" asking for donations!!!

   If you're anything like me, you've subscribed to numerous "Christian" groups/newsletters and the such. So your email boxes are crammed with pleas for "end of year" donations to their prospective needs.

   That is one thing you'll not see coming from this ministry, and one of the greatest differences between this ministry and many others. That is it's means of obtaining funding for operations. Most, you'll see very little difference between them and those of the world(non CHRIST centered.) They will boast of the many "works" they've done over the year(s), they'll take about all that they've "grown" and talk about all that they "could" do, if they receive the "needed" funding to do so.

   Here I am, running this ministry "out of pocket(that which I've been blessed to earn);"  off from work, going on three weeks now; and still leaving the matter of "if this ministry will survive another day," totally in the hands of GOD alone!!!

   A life of serving GOD with your all is tough. You grow used to "trials and tribulations" within your daily life. You go at things totally different than most. You face them head on and deal with them moment by moment. For there is no tomorrow that we're promised. Sure, we've a ton of blessings we're promised. Tons of them, that can "fall into our laps," at any given moment. But the truth is, these are all dependent on the matter of what GOD holds in store for tomorrow and whether or not HE is going to bless you with a tomorrow !?!