*** I am led to re-post this previous blog. I can imagine why, considering all the disasters that have taken place in the last month or so. From the earthquake in Japan, to the civil unrest in the Middle East, not to forget the great devastation from storms here in the U.S.. All these events have on thing in common, all the people effected by them, are our neighbors and we're called to love them as ourselves!!! ***
"A Modern Day Parable"
A certain man was traveling on foot for a great distance, to start a ministry for the LORD.
He’d already traveled a good distance and met some fine people. Even housed and feed for several weeks by one couple, not even church goers. This being just up the street from a church. Yet during his stay there, he’d never had anyone from the church stop in to visit. Though he’d gone to several services and even talked to the minister for a good while after-wards, none ever stopped into check on him.
He was helping this couple prepare an old house for sale, since he was a carpenter and the ministry was helping people with such needs. When one afternoon the LORD inspired him to make a cross out of an old carpet tube. He then was led to place this cross, about six foot tall, on the fence surrounding their pool. For three days the cross stood tall and straight though there were some strong winds blowing. On the fourth day showers came in for most of the day, for the fifth and sixth also. With the sixth’s being quite strong and windy. The next morning the cross was bent over backwards, yet in the form of another cross. This stirred questions in his heart, so he prayed, “LORD, what is YOUR message in this for me?” The answer wasn’t long in coming. ‘This is my church, as it stands today, the first three days is how my church should stand. When adversities come, today’s church wilts and falters under the pressure. Not as it should be.’
He kept this message in his heart and finished the work. After leaving here several days later he befell some misfortune. Somehow he broke several toes on his right foot. It felt like a small cloven hoof had stepped on them, the middle three toes only. Though in pain he continued on, praying, praising and walking. After several miles on one of their rest stops, because his dog let him know she was tired also, a young couple offered him some food and refreshments. Later this turned into a shower, some cash and a ride of around thirty miles. This couple, Christians yet they seldom went to church, lived a fairly devoted life. Helping many that came by their way, such as he did. They dropped him off at a campground, after seeing if he could stay, due to their not having a tent or sleeping bag. They went on their way after exchanging “GOD bless you-s”.He spent two nights in the campground free, another unchurched believer owned it.
Six more days of walking followed, foot swollen and bruised now, he met numerous others that helped him along his way. Some unchurched and a few church goers had helped. He spent two days in a motel, during a particularly stormy period, run by a generous Muslim. He made a turning point in the trip, now instead of heading southwest, he was going almost due south, a more direct path to his goal. When more misfortune came his way. This time his left knee popped out of joint. After prayer and resetting it, it’d happened before so he knew how, they continued walking. After several miles, all while in intense pain, his dog decided it was time for another break, this time in the shade. He found the perfect place, a stump in a roadside ditch which had a root coming off one side, which made the perfect seat, arm rest and all. Cutoff several feet above the ground he set his duffel bag on top. This put his reflective vest, with foot tall cross, in a very visible position. He decided to take a long break, so broke out his Bible and began praying and reading. It was still early 9:30 AM on a Sunday, he figured it’d be a good time for an hour long break. They’d already covered about eleven miles that morning, probably three with the knee problem. With his knee hurting like it was, he prayed that the LORD would provide what he needed. He thought this would be in the form of a ride and assistance. His dog and he ate the last of their food and drank part of their water, since it was early and only five miles to the next town. After reading some more, he sent another round of prayers heavenward.
It was now afternoon and though many cars had gone by, no one had slowed down in the least .In many of these cars were well dressed people, like those going to church. He decided it was time to carry on, so he stood up and got his duffel on, but the knee wouldn’t allow him to put it under pressure. He could barely put any weight on it at all. At this point he began to wonder, what the LORD was trying to teach him. For he’d learned that when times such as these came his way, a lesson in his walk with the LORD was coming soon afterward. Here they were, several miles from the next town, a sixty pound plus duffel bag, a year old wolf-shepherd dog and a broken down stranger, stranded in a rain ditch, out in the middle of no where.
Time continued to pass, finally at 3:30 PM an older couple stopped. They let him know that they’d seen him several times already and thought that something may be wrong, so they’d called 911. They left them several bottles of water and said they’d pray for him and went on their way. At this he began to worry a bit and called for a rescue mission from his family, over three hundred miles away. They had to roundup the money, having to borrow it, but did. He gave them directions and told them where to meet him, plus made plans just in case he wasn’t there. This was a gas station near where they’d started walking from in the morning. Hopefully whomever came to check on them would drive them back to this point. At 5:30 PM a police officer showed up. After running his ID he loaded them into his car and drove them back to the station. He thanked the officer greatly before he drove off.
Since it would be several hours before his family could get there, he bought them some sandwiches, dog food and drinks. They ate and relaxed the best that he could, still wondering what this lesson was. As it began to get late and was near closing time he bought more food and drinks. Praying his family would make it there soon enough to gas up and head back north before closing time. They got there just fifteen minutes before closing, he’d no known it but had crossed a time line. The girls in the store were very helpful and even made coffee after cleaning up for the night.
After a long ride, it was about 3:30 AM when they pulled in the yard. After hopping into the house, he fell asleep quickly on the couch. It felt awesome, especially after not sleeping in a bed, under a roof for nearly two months. As usual he awoke early, around sunrise and prayed. Soon the family awoke and made breakfast. He enjoyed coffee, eggs, sausage and pancakes. All of which he hadn’t had in sometime. Thanking his sister and brother in law for picking him up and feeding him like they did, they settled in for some small talk about events of the trip.
Sounds like something out of the Bible doesn’t it? Almost like the parable of the “Good Samaritan.” Let me tell you, it wasn’t. I know, because this is what happened to me. I’m the Rev. Marshall T. Barth and I was headed to Kingsville TX., to set up Vine of CHRIST Ministries disaster relief branch. My dog, Maryann and I had left Utopia OH. the morning before Easter. The rescue mission took place on the thirtieth of May, a month and a half later. For the most part I’d seen more charity from non-believers and believers that didn’t go to church often, if at all, then from those that attended church on a regular basis.
During my extended stay in the little town in KY., when I was put up in the house being readied for sale. I was given plenty of food, had a bathroom, laundry service and everything one needed. The couple believed in GOD, but hadn’t gone to church for many years. She was “born again”, he wasn’t. I did a lot of work for them and didn’t want paid, their hospitality was more than enough. Yet before I left, they gave me several hundred dollars and took me shopping for things for the trip.
While there, I’d been puzzled about the actions of those in the church. The story of the cross gave me the answer, because this did happen, the whole story is true. The LORD isn’t happy with what is to be called HIS Church! They carry the name, but none of the actions. Like that “cardboard cross” they have the form, they dress the part, have the bumper stickers and pins, talk the talk and go to church several times a week. Yet they do nothing that a Christian is supposed too! The “goats” in Matt. 25:31-46. They’ve all the looks and words of Christian’s, but lack the love of the “sheep.” Just like that cross, it stood fine until the storms of life came along, but then lacked the strength to stand after-wards. Not able to show it’s true glory when it was really needed. This pertains not just to those of that little church, but too all those that had passed me by along the roadside. Not just while in need, but all of the time.
We as true Christians, the sheep, are supposed to show CHRIST to the world, not by our dress, our words, or even by how many scripture verses we know. We’re to show them by our love for them and our works in their times of need. Feeding the hungry, giving drinks to those athirst , clothing the naked, housing the homeless , caring for those that are sick and visiting those that are in prison! This is far from what I saw on this trip. Actually it was what I saw from those that didn’t go to church.. From what I gathered from them in conversation, I wasn’t the first one that most of them had helped. They made a regular practice out of helping others in need. I ask you, “What is wrong with this picture?”
It should be plain to see that there’s a problem within the Christian community. When we overlook those that are needy, because of a worldly outlook on life. Our hearts tell us to help this person, or at least stop and see if they need anything, yet the worldly view tells us “to keep going, this person is trouble.” Who do we trust? CHRIST, that tells us “to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 19:19(but one of many places))”, or the world, that says “live for yourself and the hell with them.” This is not just a contemporary problem, for it was the basis for the “Good Samaritan” parable to the Jews of the first century. It is expounded in numerous places within the epistles also. So this isn’t a new problem within the Christian community or the world. Why though, haven’t we overcome this defect in our humanity? Our Christian community? Our own lives? I’d have to say it comes down to but one word, “SIN.” If you carry this farther, the center of sin is “I” or the self, pride. Our self-worth, our self-protecting, our selfish needs. Where this sin originated, the original sin, none are fully sure of. Whether it was with Lucifer or it was in the garden with Eve. Wherever it stems from, it is the center of the downfall of mankind, all our evils emanates from it.
There are many sermons that could come from this experience and someday I shall preach them, but for now, let me leave you with the WORDS of our MASTER, JESUS CHRIST, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ The Holy Bible : New International Version. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1996, c1984, S. Mt 25:45
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Prayer request can be sent to: prayers@vineofchrist.org
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