Praise the LORD!!!
As of late I've been busy doing the LORD's work for me on Twitter. Yes, we can be doing the LORD's work while at social networks online. Most of you are familiar with my writings and the vast web presence that I have and all of this is done per the LORD's leading. This entry is no different, but it is one that I wish there was no need to write, but when the LORD leads, I follow.
All of us should know the GOSPEL accounts of the disciples and how they were taught over a three plus year time period all that the LORD willed for them to learn. We should all know the account of how Judas Iscariot betrayed JESUS also! But are you aware that the spirit of Judas is alive and thriving today? Right in the very churches that we attend? I'm saddened to say it, but it is the truth. Just a quick look around you at the happenings within our churches these days should reveal to you that there is another spirit alive and thriving within their walls and not that of the HOLY SPIRIT which would make a vast difference in their existence!
Before we delve deeper into this, let us first examine the character of the man Judas. We should all know that he was a thief(John 12:6), but also from the previous verse we can note that he was also prideful.For though having seen JESUS take but a few morsels of food, break them, then bless them and then feed thousands of poor people, he wanted the attention drawn to the actions of their own hands. This is not all though, for he was also covetous, for he betrayed the LORD for money, which he intended to use to prosper his own life(Acts 1:18a.)
Now you may be wondering what these traits of Judas have to do with today's church. What I'm going to say may not be new to some, but may also be eye opening to others. Since giving my life totally to the LORD in '95,' the LORD has had me digest a huge amount of literature. Much of it was Christian based, but there were also volumes read on the 'cults' and 'false religions' of today, but these are not those that I speak of at this time. For those of which I'm being drawn to focus upon are those that do preach a true GOSPEL from behind their pews, but their actions and internal operations are far from those set forth by the LORD!
How this is going to come out, I'm not sure of and there will most likely be those that will want to argue the facts. I personally don't care, for it a WORD in season, as I'm led by the LORD to publish it! There are many churches these days that preach a authentic GOSPEL message and then there are those that water it down to make it pleasing to the ear. These also are not those that this is aimed at, though in some cases they may fit into these other realms.
For the most part, when JESUS preached HE wasn't in some extravagant building, but on a hillside or field, along the seashore in a boat or a common person's home. For some reason, today we need multi-million dollar churches to reach out to the lost.Why? Are not just as many people given the GOSPEL on a street corner, or some poor village in some third world nation? What is the need of this extravagance, when the money could be better spent lifting up those that are suffering? None, but to bolster their own pride, drawing attention of the masses to their 'humble' selves. Yes, there is need to have room for large groups to gather in fellowship, but to have coffee shops, restaurants, workout rooms, play areas for the children(I'm not talking about needed areas, but $100K+ ones) and a mass of sound and video equipment. An yes, there is a need for some of these, but not to the extent that many have gone. Heck, the average person could be bought a house, car and all the needed items for several years, for the cost of but one 'jumbo-tron,' or the sound system and light show reminiscent of a rock show! How can any minister or board of elders say that all this spending increases the effectiveness of their service? Didn't great preachers of the past do without all of these and yet turned the hearts of thousands unto the LORD? What would the likes of Spurgeon, Moody, Luther or Calvin have to say about the modern system of church operation? Better yet, what does the LORD think about them! I don't think I'd be writing this article if HE were completely pleased with them!!!
Now we're hit on the matter of money, not the use of it, but the constant battering of the flock to gather more and more of it! In my vast travels around the country, all posted somewhere online, the number two reason people didn't attend church on a regular basis was this. Second, only too hypocrisy within the church, which is another blog topic:) I don't think anyone that is reading this isn't aware of the constant bantering for money from our churches! Some is viable, for there are needs such as building upkeep and staff salaries that have to be met. All the details of how the vast quantities of the money raised each week by churches supposedly can be found, but I believe in my heart, that is not all truth. For as many know, there are numerous ways to hide income from prying eyes, even those of the government or church body. A sad fact, but a true one! I personally know the cost of doing ministry, for in the years since '99,' I've put in an estimated $150K into Vine of CHRIST Ministries, all out of pocket. Now a large percentage of this that was for the operations of the ministry has been lost along the roads of my travels, but there are many lives along these roads that were enriched by the works I was blessed to preform in their lives. Even now, while living in a one bedroom apartment, using a donated old computer, I'm being blessed to touch the lives of many for the LORD JESUS CHRIST. This article isn't about me though, but the spirit of Judas the prevails in our churches these days, so let's move on.
This 'spirit of Judas' is the one that hinders the spread of the GOSPEL and focuses our attention on the ministers themselves or the church from behind whose pew they preach. These are those whom eyes are focused upon their own works and not the Body of CHRIST as a whole. Sure they donate a share of the money gathered to other ministries and to out reach, but the vast amount is kept within their own walls drawing attention to 'all the great works they do.' We see the simplest form of this when preachers place their names after their own words, as if they're someone special in the church. I make note of the words of others, but never of my own words. This is done in the humility of the fact that I'm not worthy of mention in the KINGDOM of GOD. As Christians it is our duty to draw attention only to JESUS HIMSELF and not ourselves. For it is not by our hands, words or strength that anyone can be saved, only JESUS can fulfill this. Only in the world is note made upon the vessels used to accomplish an action and we see it blatantly in the commercialization rampant in the world. We as Christians are supposed to be humble and direct all attentions to JESUS and not anything we, or the body in which we work, does. Any other means, are those of the 'spirit of Judas!'
Now, I don't know if any of this has made sense, as with most of my writings, but it is a WORD in season, that I'm led to publish. Who it is directed to, I don't know, but I do know that I've been led to publish it and the LORD has HIS reasons behind it. It is not meant to draw attention to myself or my ministry for the LORD, but to open the eyes and hearts of someone that may happen upon it. I am no great wise man or scholar, just one that listens when led. If this WORD isn't for you, so be it, but if it is, please take it at heart, for the LORD is seeking to move within your life through the HOLY SPIRIT and not the spirit of Judas!!!
May GOD bless you and lift you up this day!
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Sunday, November 21, 2010
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