Praise the LORD!!!
In the last several weeks I've been enlisting many new friends online in the social networks. One thing that I've seen a lot of is the focusing on prophecy. Don't get me wrong, prophecy is great, but truly it isn't that which we are called forth to concentrate upon.
We are told in scripture to know the signs of the times and to be watchful, yet we are also told to be about our daily routine. Our daily routine as Christians is the spread of the GOSPEL and showing the love of CHRIST to all of mankind. How can we be focusing on spreading the GOSPEL when all that comes from our lips is about our dreams and visions, the prophecies that we have receive or those of another? We can't, plain and simply put we can't! We are to busy reading, listening to, researching and praying on that which we already know to be coming. Truly, what does it matter if all these were to happen tomorrow or even today? Nothing at all for the believing Christian, but to the millions of people out there that aren't saved. It means a whole lot! The difference between an eternity of suffering compared to an eternity in heavenly bliss.
Many of us out there have friends and family members that are not saved. From our closest loved ones to people we may never meet in person, are all in need of knowing the saving grace offered through JESUS CHRIST. If we are pondering the great calamities that are soon to come upon this earth and not worried about leading someone else into the family of GOD, are we truly being about our FATHER's work? No we are not!
The "Great Commission" was given us to fulfill and we as believers must be about it. We must pick up our Bibles and pray for the LORD to grace each of us with another person to plant a seed within. We must ask for the guidance and wisdom needed to know those that have seeds planted, but need a little nurturing to bring forth a harvest. We need to truly be about that which is to be our focus and not that we know is going to happen. Trust me, it is going to happen, just as it is written and no different. There are thousands of thousands of people reaching out to those that offer the slightest bit of relief to their lives and that which they're grasping hold of are but the lies of the adversary. This is because there are not enough workers in the harvest field with their eyes open and their eyes attuned to GOD's leading. They're too busy worrying about those things that they can't change, instead of that which they should be about.
I enlist all of you that read this, to tell another believer about it, but not to stop there alone. Reach out and touch the heart of someone else that doesn't know JESUS as their personal LORD and SAVIOR. Or show someone the love that CHRIST has for all of mankind by showing HIS love for you through your works. Let us stop allowing false preacher and prophets to lead others away from the truth. Stand up and speak out the WORD of GOD as it is written in the Bible. Stop allow others to fall prey to those that would deceive them into believing something that is not true. Stand as a beacon of LIGHT to all those around you. Let that LIGHT shine forth like never before and let the world know JESUS CHRIST is the only way to salvation and eternal life. Let our voices rise above the noise of the world and let everyone hear the truth about JESUS CHRIST. The Way, the Truth and the Life, the ONE and ONLY Way to eternal LIFE!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A turning from the past...
Praise the LORD!!!
In the last several day I've been sick, down with a bit of the 'bug.' This time, though most of it spent resting, was not to be considered waste. For the LORD, in HIS still quiet voice and ways, was working through this. I became aware that in recent weeks I've been spending more and more time away from that which the LORD wills for me. I've turned my attentions to more worldly endeavors, not a complete turning away, but still a turning.
Some of these have been towards my personal needs. I've been single now for several years and looking for a helpmate has come into focus. Though allowing the LORD to be the guide in these, I've allowed it to take on a more prominent role in my day. Seeking less from the LORD and more on my action in doing the searching. I've gone to several dating sites and networked sites seeking out a helpmate more on my own searching for, instead of the LORD's provisions in such. It isn't unusual that a single person should seek out another for companionship, but doing so totally on their own is outsides the bounds GOD has for this action. It brought me into an area where I opened myself up to hurt at the hands of another. There are many out there that are trying to scam people whom are seeking to find love and I venture to say that I found several of these. Offering all kinds of physical delights, if only I could do them this great service for them first. The old Nigerian "419" scam. 'We'll give you this, but first you must do this for us,' scam! It just about had me in it's grip when the LORD opened my eyes to it and I searched out the means to identify it. This started with searching out federal agencies that deal with this sort of problems. Then there were several, literally laid in my lap, through a Christian friend that had recently suffered at these people's hands. These will be cut out!
A growing amount of my time has been given to the 'apps' on several of the sites that I've been using to network the ministry on. You may be familiar with them if you're reading this, because these sites were instrumental in my starting the blogs and daily devotional. It is from these, that the LORD led me to begin these two undertakings, giving others places to seek out GOD and HIS guidance on the internet. But in doings so, I've begun to fall prey to the many other 'apps' at them and spending to much time playing them. I'm sure you may be familiar with some of these, almost every social network has them. The little gifts and prizes offered for your spending a little time with them doesn't seem like much, but add it all together and you'll see hours have gone astray. These I will be cutting out!
Where am I going with this, you may ask? Right here. Wherever I spend my time and attentions is where my life is focused. If I'm spending it on searching for a mate, or in some game or other 'app,' it isn't being spent on the LORD. My life has been totally given to serving the LORD and all that I do should be in pursuit of this goal and only this goal. So this is where my intentions shall be from now on. Not on being social and seeking out a loved one or joining in the 'apps', but in searching out the internet to bring glory to the name of JESUS. HE has set forth for me a ministry, Vine of CHRIST Ministries and Vine Ministerial Network International, and in the broadcasting of these and HIS actions within my life will I bring notice unto HIS glorious works within my life. Not that I'm saying that these other things don't have their places in my life, but that they'll not have center focus within it any more. My intentions are to bring glory to JESUS' most holy and precious name and doing anything but this, isn't life to me. My intentions are clear and the goal in clear sight, JESUS in all and all for JESUS!!!
You will be able to find me on the internet with easy, but staying up with me will be harder to do, because all will be concentrated on serving JESUS and HIS ministries for me. So If you look for me and can't find me, you are not looking in the right places:)!!!
In the last several day I've been sick, down with a bit of the 'bug.' This time, though most of it spent resting, was not to be considered waste. For the LORD, in HIS still quiet voice and ways, was working through this. I became aware that in recent weeks I've been spending more and more time away from that which the LORD wills for me. I've turned my attentions to more worldly endeavors, not a complete turning away, but still a turning.
Some of these have been towards my personal needs. I've been single now for several years and looking for a helpmate has come into focus. Though allowing the LORD to be the guide in these, I've allowed it to take on a more prominent role in my day. Seeking less from the LORD and more on my action in doing the searching. I've gone to several dating sites and networked sites seeking out a helpmate more on my own searching for, instead of the LORD's provisions in such. It isn't unusual that a single person should seek out another for companionship, but doing so totally on their own is outsides the bounds GOD has for this action. It brought me into an area where I opened myself up to hurt at the hands of another. There are many out there that are trying to scam people whom are seeking to find love and I venture to say that I found several of these. Offering all kinds of physical delights, if only I could do them this great service for them first. The old Nigerian "419" scam. 'We'll give you this, but first you must do this for us,' scam! It just about had me in it's grip when the LORD opened my eyes to it and I searched out the means to identify it. This started with searching out federal agencies that deal with this sort of problems. Then there were several, literally laid in my lap, through a Christian friend that had recently suffered at these people's hands. These will be cut out!
A growing amount of my time has been given to the 'apps' on several of the sites that I've been using to network the ministry on. You may be familiar with them if you're reading this, because these sites were instrumental in my starting the blogs and daily devotional. It is from these, that the LORD led me to begin these two undertakings, giving others places to seek out GOD and HIS guidance on the internet. But in doings so, I've begun to fall prey to the many other 'apps' at them and spending to much time playing them. I'm sure you may be familiar with some of these, almost every social network has them. The little gifts and prizes offered for your spending a little time with them doesn't seem like much, but add it all together and you'll see hours have gone astray. These I will be cutting out!
Where am I going with this, you may ask? Right here. Wherever I spend my time and attentions is where my life is focused. If I'm spending it on searching for a mate, or in some game or other 'app,' it isn't being spent on the LORD. My life has been totally given to serving the LORD and all that I do should be in pursuit of this goal and only this goal. So this is where my intentions shall be from now on. Not on being social and seeking out a loved one or joining in the 'apps', but in searching out the internet to bring glory to the name of JESUS. HE has set forth for me a ministry, Vine of CHRIST Ministries and Vine Ministerial Network International, and in the broadcasting of these and HIS actions within my life will I bring notice unto HIS glorious works within my life. Not that I'm saying that these other things don't have their places in my life, but that they'll not have center focus within it any more. My intentions are to bring glory to JESUS' most holy and precious name and doing anything but this, isn't life to me. My intentions are clear and the goal in clear sight, JESUS in all and all for JESUS!!!
You will be able to find me on the internet with easy, but staying up with me will be harder to do, because all will be concentrated on serving JESUS and HIS ministries for me. So If you look for me and can't find me, you are not looking in the right places:)!!!
HIS calling upon me,
serving HIM,
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