Praise the LORD!!!
There are to many today that have forgotten the history of the "Church of Rome" and all that they did to keep men blinded to the truth. We should always stand strong against the erroneous ways that they pander among the pews. The worship of icons and saints, placing themselves as the 'vicar' (substitute) of CHRIST and rendering more power to the man, then to GOD!!! Read this devotional, from Spurgeon, and then search back through the history of the Catholic church, to find all the atrocities that they've committed in their own name and using CHRIST as a cover!!!
“Cursed be the man before the Lord, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho.”
— Joshua 6:26
Since he was cursed who rebuilt Jericho, much more the man who labours to restore Popery among us. In our fathers’ days the gigantic walls of Popery fell by the power of their faith, the perseverance of their efforts, and the blast of their gospel trumpets; and now there are some who would rebuild that accursed system upon its old foundation. O Lord, be pleased to thwart their unrighteous endeavours, and pull down every stone which they build. It should be a serious business with us to be thoroughly purged of every error which may have a tendency to foster the spirit of Popery, and when we have made a clean sweep at home we should seek in every way to oppose its all too rapid spread abroad in the church and in the world. This last can be done in secret by fervent prayer, and in public by decided testimony. We must warn with judicious boldness those who are inclined towards the errors of Rome; we must instruct the young in gospel truth, and tell them of the black doings of Popery in the olden times. We must aid in spreading the light more thoroughly through the land, for priests, like owls, hate daylight. Are we doing all we can for Jesus and the gospel? If not, our negligence plays into the hands of the priestcraft. What are we doing to spread the Bible, which is the Pope’s bane and poison? Are we casting abroad good, sound gospel writings? Luther once said, “The devil hates goose quills” and, doubtless, he has good reason, for ready writers, by the Holy Spirit’s blessing, have done his kingdom much damage. If the thousands who will read this short word this night will do all they can to hinder the rebuilding of this accursed Jericho, the Lord’s glory shall speed among the sons of men. Reader, what can you do? What will you do?
Spurgeon, C. H. (2006). Morning and evening : Daily readings (Complete and unabridged; New modern edition.). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers.
I will be off line for awhile due to moving. I pray it will be but for a short period, as with all things this too is in the hands of the LORD and not man!!!
Don't forget our prayer line email system at: or my devotional at "Gleanings from the Vine"
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Vine Ministerial Network International
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
VCM June newsletter, "Notes from the Vine"
Praise the LORD!!!
This is coming out a bit early, due to the fact that on the first, I will be moving into a new home. I'll be making the transition from living in a host family's house, to that of an apartment complex. I will also update our mailing address today, because for a while I may not have an internet connection. This will be a bit of a drawback considering that most of the work for the ministry is online at this time, but I'm sure that the LORD will provide the needed funds in HIS timing.
Over the last month there has been a good deal of progress for the ministry. We've now a newer (05) computer system up and running. This is a donated unit, that was frozen up when given to us, but the LORD blessed us with being able to find the proper programs and knowledge to take care of this problem. Since getting it up and running, more RAM has been added and with the fact that it had a video card, more has been accomplished. We've made some VCM t-shirts, to help get the word out around town. These are mostly worn by myself as I'm out and about town, either while working or out taking care of chores. Even though there were mistakes on numerous ones, like the program not mirroring text, we've used every transfer printed (we'll waste nothing.)
There has also been reworkings of the website, if you've not noticed, though nothing major at this time. I need to better familiarize myself with the programming methods of the website before I really start to rework it heavily. As some of you may know, this website has been the workings of my hands alone for almost four years and it would be a shame to lose a percentage of the information by preforming the wrong procedure. I could easily lose a page in but one click and you know how long some of these pages are :)))
There is also going to be another change made. This is to be a return to our focusing on the Christian duties and/of the family unit. Not just that of the incarcerated, but all families. As Christians, we've been given some pretty direct instruction as to our duties in the formation and practices of our families. The LORD laid it upon my heart, just days ago, that as Christians, we've sorely neglected HIS guidelines for the most part. The majority of families in this country, and around the globe, are falling apart due to a falling away from these guidelines. A very large percentage of Christian parents fail to raise their children up in fear of the LORD! Allowing them to function for most of their time in worldly manors and following after GOD only during church activities. Most of us know this is wrong, yet the practice still seems to dominate in our faith. I can hear a bunch of parents now saying, "We raise our children up in the LORD." Yet, many of these very same parents are those that allow their children's lives to be focused on worldly endeavors. Video games, TV and secular music to name but a few. Instead of leading them by example and showing them that as Christians we're to focus and center our attentions upon GOD, family and then others. We need to set forth for them the fact that all the glamor of the world is deceptive and draws one's attention from GOD's true goals for us. I really could go more in depth right now, but I'd be preaching and this isn't the place for that:)))
There are many other things that will be taking place with the ministry and I'll fill you in on these as led to. For now, these are of most importance. There is also the fact that I've taken on a part time job, working doing apartment turnovers. For you that don't know what this is, it is going in after an apartment is vacated, cleaning up and making any repairs needed, before the next tenants move in. Strange thing about it, I've not even asked what my pay will be! I've a Christian boss and he's told me all aspects of the job and how he'll assist me in every way possible and I guess (:) ), I just forgot to ask. I'm truly not worried though, because I do know that however much it is, will be just what is needed to provide my personal needs and those of the ministry. For truly, our GOD is an awesome GOD and has made this promise and I know HE will provide that which is needed to bring glory to HIS most holy and precious name, JESUS!!!
This is coming out a bit early, due to the fact that on the first, I will be moving into a new home. I'll be making the transition from living in a host family's house, to that of an apartment complex. I will also update our mailing address today, because for a while I may not have an internet connection. This will be a bit of a drawback considering that most of the work for the ministry is online at this time, but I'm sure that the LORD will provide the needed funds in HIS timing.
Over the last month there has been a good deal of progress for the ministry. We've now a newer (05) computer system up and running. This is a donated unit, that was frozen up when given to us, but the LORD blessed us with being able to find the proper programs and knowledge to take care of this problem. Since getting it up and running, more RAM has been added and with the fact that it had a video card, more has been accomplished. We've made some VCM t-shirts, to help get the word out around town. These are mostly worn by myself as I'm out and about town, either while working or out taking care of chores. Even though there were mistakes on numerous ones, like the program not mirroring text, we've used every transfer printed (we'll waste nothing.)
There has also been reworkings of the website, if you've not noticed, though nothing major at this time. I need to better familiarize myself with the programming methods of the website before I really start to rework it heavily. As some of you may know, this website has been the workings of my hands alone for almost four years and it would be a shame to lose a percentage of the information by preforming the wrong procedure. I could easily lose a page in but one click and you know how long some of these pages are :)))
There is also going to be another change made. This is to be a return to our focusing on the Christian duties and/of the family unit. Not just that of the incarcerated, but all families. As Christians, we've been given some pretty direct instruction as to our duties in the formation and practices of our families. The LORD laid it upon my heart, just days ago, that as Christians, we've sorely neglected HIS guidelines for the most part. The majority of families in this country, and around the globe, are falling apart due to a falling away from these guidelines. A very large percentage of Christian parents fail to raise their children up in fear of the LORD! Allowing them to function for most of their time in worldly manors and following after GOD only during church activities. Most of us know this is wrong, yet the practice still seems to dominate in our faith. I can hear a bunch of parents now saying, "We raise our children up in the LORD." Yet, many of these very same parents are those that allow their children's lives to be focused on worldly endeavors. Video games, TV and secular music to name but a few. Instead of leading them by example and showing them that as Christians we're to focus and center our attentions upon GOD, family and then others. We need to set forth for them the fact that all the glamor of the world is deceptive and draws one's attention from GOD's true goals for us. I really could go more in depth right now, but I'd be preaching and this isn't the place for that:)))
There are many other things that will be taking place with the ministry and I'll fill you in on these as led to. For now, these are of most importance. There is also the fact that I've taken on a part time job, working doing apartment turnovers. For you that don't know what this is, it is going in after an apartment is vacated, cleaning up and making any repairs needed, before the next tenants move in. Strange thing about it, I've not even asked what my pay will be! I've a Christian boss and he's told me all aspects of the job and how he'll assist me in every way possible and I guess (:) ), I just forgot to ask. I'm truly not worried though, because I do know that however much it is, will be just what is needed to provide my personal needs and those of the ministry. For truly, our GOD is an awesome GOD and has made this promise and I know HE will provide that which is needed to bring glory to HIS most holy and precious name, JESUS!!!
vine of christ ministries
Monday, May 24, 2010
Praise the LORD!!!
Today starts an adventure that I've not ventured into in the past. This morning I received an email from a sister in CHRIST that was a word in time. It was impressed upon my heart to share it with others. After asking and receiving permission, here it is. I pray everyone will be impressed by the SPIRIT that is within this message!!!
Dear Loving Family in Christ,
It has been many days since I spoke to you all. My heart is heavy with LOVE for ALL of you, and yet, I have neglected you. Please forgive me for I surely DO LOVE YOU!! In all the things which keep my body busy, here on earth, even to the point of exhaustion, my soul cries out and yearns for your love, your spiritual love and any input from you I can receive. Alas, I already know, your lives are busy, as well. So, I am asking ALL of you, to never forget how much I truly love you. It is my relationship with you, which gives me great strength and much hope, for everlasting life. Fortunately, for ALL of us, we have come to rely on our FAITH in GOD and not, in man. Of this, we must ALL be thankful!!!
Our God, so many, many years ago, LOVED us so much more than ANY man could ever even try to LOVE us!! I thank Him and praise Him, every single day for His Great Love, as I know, you do. We are ALL so very blessed by this!! We must ALL take comfort in the Love and Power of God!! And, as we struggle here on earth, through each and every day, we must KNOW we are not struggling alone. Right there, within our grasp, is our Lord Jesus!! So many times during my day, I actually reach my hand out to my side and clasp His hand in mine. If others could see this, they would think I was crazy. If any of YOU saw this, you would see faith. Praise God!! God, in all His power, could have been such a snob or He could have not cared at all, forcing us to go through our lives without a single friend. But He did not do this, for WE have a FRIEND IN JESUS!!! THANK YOU, JESUS!!! We never walk alone, even when it feels like there is NO ONE there!! Isn't it WONDERFUL to KNOW this??? It sure has been a COMFORT to me!!! Because man will always let us down, even when they do not want to let us down. Like me, for instance. Is it that I want ALL OF YOU to think I do not care? NO!! I DO CARE!! Am I there for you? NO!! I am not!!! But, JESUS IS THERE!! ALWAYS!!! ALL WAYS!!! And, He is there through GOD, His Father!!! Ultimately, it is our GOD who is THERE for us all!! Praise God!! He sends to us, His Son, so we will ALWAYS have comfort and a FRIEND who never leaves our side!! In ALL the wonders of ALL the world and ALL creation, God LOVED US!!! WOW!! Isn't that amazing???? US??? We are only one grain of sand on a beach of many acres, and He knows ALL the grains of sand, each and every one of them!!! WOW!! Not only does He KNOW them, but He chose to LOVE them!!! Folks, THAT is AMAZING!!! And, you know what's even MORE amazing??? He ALREADY KNEW I would be sending this email to ALL of YOU!!! He KNEW THIS!! WOW!!!
So, to sum up this email, I just wanted you to know that I have not forgotten you and I still LOVE you ALL very, very much and BIG!! Also, You are ALL gifts from God, sent to me for encouragement, enlightenment, and understanding of His ways. Even as I have encouraged some of you, I have found many blessings in doing it. Surely, God knew you needed those words of encouragement, at the time I was "inspired" to write them. We are ALL here to help each other stand in rightousness, to uphold that which is good and that which is GOD!! My prayer is that each and every one of you, will be blessed, in KNOWING the GOOD our GOD wants in our lives. Obviously, this is ALL HE WANTS for us!!! Often, we feel as if the whole world is against us, yet we still have FAITH, don't we? THAT is the key!! There are prayers we pray, which may never be answered in our lifetime, but GOD is listening. His Great Plan is already laid out/ already designed. We take Comfort in this. Even as we see so much suffering around us, we must KNOW our GOD is in control. In His great design, He wanted us to "feel", to "suffer", to "cry".......and all the while, we should have GREAT HAPPINESS and JOY in KNOWING He Loves us so very much!!
Please remember, I DO LOVE YOU!! But, most importantly of all, keep your faith, keep your eyes on the sky above you, KNOW our GOD still LOVES YOU even in your struggles. I shall delight in YOUR BLESSINGS!! For GOD has PROMISED us these BLESSINGS!!
Here are a few examples:
Genesis 49:25 Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee: and by the Almighty, who shall BLESS thee with BLESSINGS of heaven obove, BLESSINGS of the deep that lieth under, BLESSINGS of the breasts, and of the womb:
Deuteronomy 28:2 And all these BLESSINGS shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.
Proverbs 10:6 BLESSINGS are upon the head of the just: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
Proverbs 28:20 A faithful man shall abound with BLESSINGS: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.
Ephesians 1:3 BLESSED be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath BLESSED us with all spiritual BLESSINGS in heavenly places in Christ:
And MY FAVORITE because I "listen" to nature, and see ALL CREATION giving PRAISE TO OUR LORD every single day of every year, without asking for anything. Praise to Our Lord with tears of gratitude!!
Malachi 2:2 If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your BLESSINGS: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.
And, as to this GREAT LOVE I have for You ALL, and that YOU have for ME??? Here's yet another scripture for you, as we all hold each other up!!!
Romans 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
That is why we can't get enough of our FRIENDSHIP!!!
Love to You ALL!!!!
Your Sister in Christ,
Debra, Debi, Momma, Aunt Deb, Feather in Wind...yadda yadda yadda (lol)
Published with express permission of the author, Debra Sartelle
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Remember that if you need someone to pray for you, you can email our prayerline at:
Today starts an adventure that I've not ventured into in the past. This morning I received an email from a sister in CHRIST that was a word in time. It was impressed upon my heart to share it with others. After asking and receiving permission, here it is. I pray everyone will be impressed by the SPIRIT that is within this message!!!
Dear Loving Family in Christ,
It has been many days since I spoke to you all. My heart is heavy with LOVE for ALL of you, and yet, I have neglected you. Please forgive me for I surely DO LOVE YOU!! In all the things which keep my body busy, here on earth, even to the point of exhaustion, my soul cries out and yearns for your love, your spiritual love and any input from you I can receive. Alas, I already know, your lives are busy, as well. So, I am asking ALL of you, to never forget how much I truly love you. It is my relationship with you, which gives me great strength and much hope, for everlasting life. Fortunately, for ALL of us, we have come to rely on our FAITH in GOD and not, in man. Of this, we must ALL be thankful!!!
Our God, so many, many years ago, LOVED us so much more than ANY man could ever even try to LOVE us!! I thank Him and praise Him, every single day for His Great Love, as I know, you do. We are ALL so very blessed by this!! We must ALL take comfort in the Love and Power of God!! And, as we struggle here on earth, through each and every day, we must KNOW we are not struggling alone. Right there, within our grasp, is our Lord Jesus!! So many times during my day, I actually reach my hand out to my side and clasp His hand in mine. If others could see this, they would think I was crazy. If any of YOU saw this, you would see faith. Praise God!! God, in all His power, could have been such a snob or He could have not cared at all, forcing us to go through our lives without a single friend. But He did not do this, for WE have a FRIEND IN JESUS!!! THANK YOU, JESUS!!! We never walk alone, even when it feels like there is NO ONE there!! Isn't it WONDERFUL to KNOW this??? It sure has been a COMFORT to me!!! Because man will always let us down, even when they do not want to let us down. Like me, for instance. Is it that I want ALL OF YOU to think I do not care? NO!! I DO CARE!! Am I there for you? NO!! I am not!!! But, JESUS IS THERE!! ALWAYS!!! ALL WAYS!!! And, He is there through GOD, His Father!!! Ultimately, it is our GOD who is THERE for us all!! Praise God!! He sends to us, His Son, so we will ALWAYS have comfort and a FRIEND who never leaves our side!! In ALL the wonders of ALL the world and ALL creation, God LOVED US!!! WOW!! Isn't that amazing???? US??? We are only one grain of sand on a beach of many acres, and He knows ALL the grains of sand, each and every one of them!!! WOW!! Not only does He KNOW them, but He chose to LOVE them!!! Folks, THAT is AMAZING!!! And, you know what's even MORE amazing??? He ALREADY KNEW I would be sending this email to ALL of YOU!!! He KNEW THIS!! WOW!!!
So, to sum up this email, I just wanted you to know that I have not forgotten you and I still LOVE you ALL very, very much and BIG!! Also, You are ALL gifts from God, sent to me for encouragement, enlightenment, and understanding of His ways. Even as I have encouraged some of you, I have found many blessings in doing it. Surely, God knew you needed those words of encouragement, at the time I was "inspired" to write them. We are ALL here to help each other stand in rightousness, to uphold that which is good and that which is GOD!! My prayer is that each and every one of you, will be blessed, in KNOWING the GOOD our GOD wants in our lives. Obviously, this is ALL HE WANTS for us!!! Often, we feel as if the whole world is against us, yet we still have FAITH, don't we? THAT is the key!! There are prayers we pray, which may never be answered in our lifetime, but GOD is listening. His Great Plan is already laid out/ already designed. We take Comfort in this. Even as we see so much suffering around us, we must KNOW our GOD is in control. In His great design, He wanted us to "feel", to "suffer", to "cry".......and all the while, we should have GREAT HAPPINESS and JOY in KNOWING He Loves us so very much!!
Please remember, I DO LOVE YOU!! But, most importantly of all, keep your faith, keep your eyes on the sky above you, KNOW our GOD still LOVES YOU even in your struggles. I shall delight in YOUR BLESSINGS!! For GOD has PROMISED us these BLESSINGS!!
Here are a few examples:
Genesis 49:25 Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee: and by the Almighty, who shall BLESS thee with BLESSINGS of heaven obove, BLESSINGS of the deep that lieth under, BLESSINGS of the breasts, and of the womb:
Deuteronomy 28:2 And all these BLESSINGS shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.
Proverbs 10:6 BLESSINGS are upon the head of the just: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
Proverbs 28:20 A faithful man shall abound with BLESSINGS: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.
Ephesians 1:3 BLESSED be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath BLESSED us with all spiritual BLESSINGS in heavenly places in Christ:
And MY FAVORITE because I "listen" to nature, and see ALL CREATION giving PRAISE TO OUR LORD every single day of every year, without asking for anything. Praise to Our Lord with tears of gratitude!!
Malachi 2:2 If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your BLESSINGS: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.
And, as to this GREAT LOVE I have for You ALL, and that YOU have for ME??? Here's yet another scripture for you, as we all hold each other up!!!
Romans 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;
That is why we can't get enough of our FRIENDSHIP!!!
Love to You ALL!!!!
Your Sister in Christ,
Debra, Debi, Momma, Aunt Deb, Feather in Wind...yadda yadda yadda (lol)
Published with express permission of the author, Debra Sartelle
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
Remember that if you need someone to pray for you, you can email our prayerline at:
vine of christ ministries
Re posting of a F.E.M.A. News Release
Praise the LORD!!!
This is a re posting of an important article from F.E.M.A. and something I believe everyone, especially those along the gulf coast, should take into consideration. We never know when or where an emergency will take place, so being prepared is the best remedy.
May 24, 2010
No.: HQ-10-110
Contact: FEMA News Desk 202-646-3272
President Obama recently designated May 23-29, 2010, as National Hurricane Preparedness Week, and called upon all Americans, especially those in hurricane prone areas, to learn more about protecting themselves against hurricanes and to work together to respond to them.
The Presidential Proclamation is available at
"We never know where the next hurricane or disaster will strike, but we know that the more we do to prepare now, the better the outcome will be," said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. "FEMA will continue to work with our private sector, local, state, tribal and federal partners to ensure that we are prepared, but it is also important that all Americans take the necessary steps now- like developing a family disaster plan - before a hurricane or disaster strikes."
"Regardless of the number of storms that may form this season, make your preparation plans with the idea that is the year you will be struck," said Bill Read, director of NOAA's National Hurricane Center in Miami.
Everyone, including those living outside of hurricane-risk areas, should check personal preparations such as emergency kit supplies, note messages from local emergency officials, and rehearse emergency evacuation routes.
Important items to have ready in case of an emergency include a battery-powered radio (like a NOAA Weather Radio), flashlight, extra batteries, medicines, non-perishable food, hand-operated can opener, utility knife and first aid supplies. Copy and store your important documents in a waterproof bag. These may include medical records, contracts, property deeds, leases, banking records, insurance records and birth certificates.
This is the time to consider potential needs of everyone in the household during an emergency. If your household includes a person with a disability, special steps to assist them may be necessary and should be considered now.
Pets also require special handling. They may become agitated during the onset of a storm, so a pet carrier is a must for safe travel. Pet owners should research pet boarding facilities now within a certain radius of where you may evacuate, since animals may not be welcome in all shelters or hotels.
Take steps now to purchase a flood insurance policy. Not only are homes and businesses in hurricane-prone states at risk for flood, but inland flooding is common in nearby states. To assess flood risk for your home or find a local agent selling national flood insurance, visit or call toll-free at 1-888-379-9531.
FEMA continues to support the coordinated federal response to the BP oil spill, and this season's hurricane planning has involved consideration of the effects that the BP oil spill could have on the response capabilities and recovery scenarios.
The Atlantic and Central Pacific Hurricane Season runs from June 1-November 30. The Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season started on May 15.
For more preparedness information, please visit
For information about National Hurricane Preparedness Week, visit
The Presidential Proclamation,
Follow FEMA online at,, and Also, follow Administrator Fugate's activities at The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government Web sites, companies or applications.
FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
This is a re posting of an important article from F.E.M.A. and something I believe everyone, especially those along the gulf coast, should take into consideration. We never know when or where an emergency will take place, so being prepared is the best remedy.
May 24, 2010
No.: HQ-10-110
Contact: FEMA News Desk 202-646-3272
News Release
WASHINGTON -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are partnering during National Hurricane Preparedness Week to share valuable hurricane preparedness information. FEMA continues to work with state, local, tribal, federal and private sector partners to increase preparedness and coordinate response and recovery in the case of a hurricane or disaster. FEMA also urges Americans to use this week as an annual reminder to assess their personal readiness to respond to emergencies.President Obama recently designated May 23-29, 2010, as National Hurricane Preparedness Week, and called upon all Americans, especially those in hurricane prone areas, to learn more about protecting themselves against hurricanes and to work together to respond to them.
The Presidential Proclamation is available at
"We never know where the next hurricane or disaster will strike, but we know that the more we do to prepare now, the better the outcome will be," said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. "FEMA will continue to work with our private sector, local, state, tribal and federal partners to ensure that we are prepared, but it is also important that all Americans take the necessary steps now- like developing a family disaster plan - before a hurricane or disaster strikes."
"Regardless of the number of storms that may form this season, make your preparation plans with the idea that is the year you will be struck," said Bill Read, director of NOAA's National Hurricane Center in Miami.
Everyone, including those living outside of hurricane-risk areas, should check personal preparations such as emergency kit supplies, note messages from local emergency officials, and rehearse emergency evacuation routes.
Important items to have ready in case of an emergency include a battery-powered radio (like a NOAA Weather Radio), flashlight, extra batteries, medicines, non-perishable food, hand-operated can opener, utility knife and first aid supplies. Copy and store your important documents in a waterproof bag. These may include medical records, contracts, property deeds, leases, banking records, insurance records and birth certificates.
This is the time to consider potential needs of everyone in the household during an emergency. If your household includes a person with a disability, special steps to assist them may be necessary and should be considered now.
Pets also require special handling. They may become agitated during the onset of a storm, so a pet carrier is a must for safe travel. Pet owners should research pet boarding facilities now within a certain radius of where you may evacuate, since animals may not be welcome in all shelters or hotels.
Take steps now to purchase a flood insurance policy. Not only are homes and businesses in hurricane-prone states at risk for flood, but inland flooding is common in nearby states. To assess flood risk for your home or find a local agent selling national flood insurance, visit or call toll-free at 1-888-379-9531.
FEMA continues to support the coordinated federal response to the BP oil spill, and this season's hurricane planning has involved consideration of the effects that the BP oil spill could have on the response capabilities and recovery scenarios.
The Atlantic and Central Pacific Hurricane Season runs from June 1-November 30. The Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season started on May 15.
For more preparedness information, please visit
For information about National Hurricane Preparedness Week, visit
The Presidential Proclamation,
Follow FEMA online at,, and Also, follow Administrator Fugate's activities at The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government Web sites, companies or applications.
FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
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