Sunday, April 17, 2011


Praise the LORD!!!

    Right now, I wouldn't be a very good person to be around! Let me explain. Over the last several days the central plains states, gulf states and numerous states along the east coast have been ravaged severe storms and tornadoes. Thousands of people's lives have suddenly been turned upside down, many having lost loved ones and/or everything they own. Since you're reading this I presume you're familiar with the ministry that I've been working to develop, so I'll not go into this.

   With one of the branches of the ministry being that of disaster relief, my heart is torn over these events. It's been thirteen years since I began working on the ministry. To date, I'm the only one that has shown any interest in bringing the love of JESUS into the lives of the suffering through it. From the collecting and distribution of food and clothing in Springfield, MO., to the rebuilding homes along the gulf coast, to the current attempt to set up it's first fully functional office and D.R.O.C., I'm still alone. Yes, I've receive many a donated item from people around me, all of which I'm very thankful for, but all the labor and all the cost, have come directly through that which the LORD has blessed me with or enabled me to do.

   I'm sitting here this morning with a heart torn open, pouring out my prayers and petitioning the LORD about all that could right now be taking place for HIS glory. V.C.M. could be on the ground right now in many of the effected areas, working to reveal the love JESUS has for all of mankind to those suffering from great loss. It's not and I'm not! I'm sitting here, behind a single 'outdated' computer, attempting to stir up the love of JESUS within the hearts of those around the country. Those that have the means. Those that have the abilities and equipment. All those that could, right now at this moment, be helping their neighbors to recover from these disasters. If I'm doing any good, only the LORD knows, but I will continue.

   If I were at this moment leading a church, there would be no Palm Sunday service! I would be gathering all the man power and supplies the congregation could gather and be sending them off to the front lines. Many were the times that JESUS HIMself broke the Sabbath, all to enrich the lives of those suffering. Would HE expect and different from us? NO!!! HE'd expect us to be doing the exact same and be revealing HIS love to those that are in need. Not gathering inside the 'four walls' and putting on a great show of pomp and circumstance, but doing the very labors HE HIMself would be preforming. It could be as little as 'giving a cup of water' to one thirsty, providing a meal to a worker, or getting out there and helping cleanup the debris. JESUS set the example and it is our calling to fulfill it. It doesn't have to be great or news worth, like many seek! (you hear their names already on the news, for it's what they seek.) But even the most basic of need met in the name of JESUS, would suffice to bring glory to HE that is truly worthy!!!

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

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