All is well this month, though I've not had much time to work on the ministry. We received our first donation, praise the LORD, $30 which was placed on the phone account on which it was earmarked for. This came about after several hours of phone conversations in which we'd be cut off due to the account limits. I remedied this by changing the account to an unlimited one, though at this time I don't know if I'll be able to maintain it at this level. It all comes down to the cost of doing so!
With having to work the two part time jobs to meet the bills, I've been very limited to that which I can do online and off for the ministry. Recently I've ran into a young couple in need and gave them a bunch of cookware and half of the sectional couch that the LORD has blessed me with. They're expecting a baby girl soon, very soon, and I've enlisted the manager(a Christian) here at the apartments to gather whatever resources we can for them. We've been blessed to get them a good number of items already!
Almost daily I have to respond to email from individuals around the globe that would like to come into communion with the ministry or enlist me to go to their country and assist them in their works for the LORD. I've had to turn these all down, which is heart breaking, for two reasons. 1- My being a convicted felon, I've no rights and can't get a passport to travel outside the U.S. 2- The limited funds and resources that the ministry has, makes fulfilling their request impossible at this time. Most of these have come from groups of small ministries that have undertaken the LORD's work in their impoverished nations. Taking in orphans and other under privileged people and meeting their needs, along with doing out reach ministry and raising up disciples. As many of you know, or should if you've read through this site well enough, this ministry has been basically funded and worked by myself alone. This has put a great restriction on it's operations and materials on hand. It would be a 'GOD send' to be able to send them the items requested, such as Bibles, food and other needs. But with the funding limits this just isn't possible. It would be awesome to be able to send them several hundred pounds of rice or beans, or any other food items needed. Or even the Christian reading material requested. I've spent many an hour in prayer over this exact situation, yet matters haven't changed along these lines. I praise the LORD for this current state and expect that in the LORD's time it will change. But I'll have to continue to apologize via email until HE remedies this.
Now I'm not a 'newbie' to the internet and know that some of these may just be scams, but not unlike those that use others for profit in other ways, we're not to judge them or even try to 'weed them out.' "What?" you may be saying! This ministry operates on the principle of GOD being ultimately the one in control. If someone tries to use it for personal gain, it is the LORD that they're stand before to be judged, not us! You may think this will lead to a large amount of wasted funding, but is anything given ours to restrict. GOD blessed us with it in the first place, HE has allowed these people to seek out our assistance(for whatever purpose) and we will channel HIS funding to them. This doesn't mean that we'll be giving 'blindly,' because all that we do will be totally guided by prayer, TOTALLY!!! We may not know what a person's reasons are for using that which they've requested, but the LORD does and HE has a plan behind it. This is what knowing who is in ultimate control of all things will lead one to. Not taking into consideration that a person may have 'fleshly' intents behind their request, but that GOD has 'KINGDOM' intents behind them and it is HIS will that will be done.-------------------------------
Now for the reasons behind my leaving my old church for a new one. I'll not mention name, but will say that it is one on a list of the top fifteen fastest growing churches in the nation. This growth is not coming from the fact that they preach a true GOSPEL message, which at times they do, but like JESUS had happen after the miracle feedings, people are going there because their personal/earthly needs are being met(John6:26). You see, that during the Easter season this year, this church gathered huge amounts of donated materials; cars, computers, furniture, big screen TV's,and the likes there of. Attendance rose alarmingly even at the numerous satellite churches, which did the same, though on a smaller scale. Then the head pastor began 'hawking' his soon to be published book and enlisted 'all' church members to purchase as many as possible so he could get it listed on the best sellers list as soon as it was released.
My heart began to get very unsettled on these matters and I began praying over them. As Christians, though we live in this world, are supposed to be separated from it(John17:16). It ways and ours are to be totally opposed to each other. Now in a normal church setting I'd go and talk with the pastor himself, but in this set up of 'satellite' churches,it is next to impossible. Each 'satellite' is initially funded and set up by and around the main churches operations. The majority of sermons are pre-recorded and aired at the satellites at a later date. The 'satellite's' pastors have been raised up under the tutelage of the head pastor and are devoted to following his lead, so it does little good to talk with them. Let me say "they know which side their bread is buttered on," and where their basic support comes from, though they supposedly are 'self funded' through tithing. Little could be done by talking with the local pastor, when it is the 'head' that is generating the problems.
All too often these days people are flocking to churches that preach ways that are focused on adapting to the ways of the world. This because what is preached is a soothing message, one that calms the soul and allows us to blend in with the rest of society. Now I don't know about yours, but my Bible just doesn't read that way!!! We as Christians are supposed to follow our LORD and HE alone. Not a watered down 'gospel,' but the GOSPEL that is outlined within the pages of the Bible and it alone. The true GOSPEL message is not one that soothes our emotions and feelings, but one that cuts to the quick, dividing soul and spirit (Heb. 4:12), bringing one to a state of contrition and repentance and preparing the heart to receive GOD's grace!!! Now I don't know about you, but when I hear this type of message preached, all kinds of alarms go off within my spirit and I begin to spend a lot of time in prayer over the matter. Praying for knowledge and wisdom for myself and also for these blessings to also be poured out upon the offending party. Though I may not be able to call up chapter and verse, like so many today can, due to my long drug history, I've a strong dependence upon the HOLY SPIRIT to lead me and guide me into a right understanding of all things. Thus I've been led to find another church home and this was done with much soul searching and prayer.(I have found one, which I had no doubt that I would.)
Too many times these days we hear of huge churches that are growing at an alarming rate. People flocking through their doors in mass. Yet when we examine their sermons and programs we see that which operates in conjunction with the world and not that which is un-worldly(of the KINGDOM). We should not be alarmed for it is Biblical. We're warned in scripture that this very thing will happen during the end-times. People will not listen to sound scripture, but will flock to those that preach what is pleasing to their hearts(2 Tim 4:3). This, such as those in political power, is ordained of GOD to happen and there is nothing that we can do to change it. We as true Christians must do what we can to bring note to these practices, such as this article, and continue on preaching a strong Biblical GOSPEL. Our hands are tied when it comes to changing this practice, but not from broadcasting the true GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST so others can hear it in it's full power!!! This can be likened unto the 'refiners fire' or the 'wheat and tares,' where GOD has allowed impurities in so as to separate that which is true and of HIS KINGDOM.
As usual, I'm stepping on some 'theological' toes and really don't care! That which I'm entering into cyber-space is that which I'm being led too. My wording, but not my context. For these are those things that have been laid upon my heart and that is what I broadcast. I will not judge these people, but I will separate myself from them in Biblical matters. I will do my best, as led, to reveal the truth to those that will listen. I'll not go beyond doing that which I'm led to do. For I truly understand that GOD is moving through all things to bring about HIS perfect will for mankind. I may not understand but a part of what is happening, but this I am sure of, that GOD's plans are perfect and will come to be reality!!!!!!!
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