Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Who is our enemy?

 Praise the LORD!!!

   (I've written this as led, it is unedited and maybe a little hard to understand. I pray, that you'll pray and ask JESUS to reveal HIS truth in these matters unto you and that then you also will seek to fulfill the "Great Commission" with every breath of the life that you're blessed with!!!) 

    This morning I'm off from work due to my knee bothering me. Not of my doing, but given the time by one of my human bosses. If yo know me very well, you're know that I fully believe that that there is no such thing as chance and that GOD has a reason for all things happening!

    With this stated I'll lead you on my journey this morning and what has prompted this entry! While running a search for information on a school (Bible) I happened along an unrelated article on the "Bohemian Grove," and the "Illuminati." Now I'm not the most fluent on these groups, though I've heard of both and their dark secrets, plus their ties with (shall we say) the dark forces in our world! Following up on one of the links I was led to YouTube and a series of videos. These were on "The Mysteries of Molech." Now if you don't remember Molech, he was the Ammonites god to whom they sacrificed their children. It was forbidden for any of the Hebrew nation to worship him or even follow after the practices of this cult(ure.) Numerous times throughout Jewish history though these practices came to be practiced.

    What does this have to do with today though? Especially considering that these practices have basically disappeared from existence. They truly haven't disappeared, but gone under the cover of darkness(from where they sprang.) These practices are in direct opposition to anything GODly and completely banned in scripture by GOD HIMSELF. All of their practices are of the forces of darkness and from the early writings have been warned against. What do these practices have to do with Christians living today? These are the forces that are wrecking havoc upon our faith, bringing division among the churches and moving behind the 'great men of power.'

    If you watch these videos, you'll be able to see and hear for yourself the list of names mentioned. These are people that literally hold the power of this world in their hands. I ask that you pray before watching these, as I did, so that the LORD will grace you with the knowledge that HE wills for you to gather and the wisdom to put it to use in HIS chosen way! Most of you know about many of the topics and groups mentioned in these and know that our world is falling apart at the seams. But it is not this that we should worry about, for these things are being allowed to happen, it is to know the fact(signs) and to be about our calling(work) more diligently then ever!!! We need to stop fighting among ourselves, over mere doctrines of men, and begin seeking to fulfill the "Great Commission" more earnestly!!! We cannot change that which GOD has ordained to happen, because they'll all bring about HIS plan for the KINGDOM in the end.(I know people will disagree with this, but it must be said.) People think, and teach that evil just happened, by chance and that GOD had nothing to do with it. This would make our GOD out to be less then that which HE is. It would place the powers of darkness in a position almost equal to GOD. This is impossible!!!

    Lucifer was created by GOD and when HE did so, HE knew exactly what was going to happen. It wasn't by chance that this happened either. GOD knows that for good to be known, relished and sought after, there must be an opposite force to judge it against, so there must be "darkness/evil."  Ever since the very beginning of creation there have been the two, LIGHT and darkness, the two totally opposing forces in life. For where one is the other is not present. darkness cannot exist where there is LIGHT. All throughout scripture we're told this and especially within the New Testament. We as Christians must realize that we're called to be obedient to JESUS in every aspect of our lives and we must strive, with the LORD help, to bring this about within our lives. In this world where there is so much happening that is in direct conflict with the teachings of JESUS, we're to be the ones that represent HIM in our totally being. Not partially, but totally, wholeheartedly and with every breath of our existence. This morning GOD has blessed me with a renewed vigor, not to fight against that which only HE can battle, but to reach out and communicate HIS GOSPEL to all of mankind. With HIS help I can stand against those forces against me, not to battle against, but to reveal the true LIGHT unto a world that is covered in darkness. JESUS is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIGHT that will conquer all that is opposed to GOD. Let us do our part, each and everyday, to bring the LIGHT into the lives of all mankind!!!!!!!

    GOD bless and good day,

    Rev. Marshall Barth

    Vine of CHRIST Ministries

    Vine Ministerial Network International

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