I pray that all are well and walking in relationship with the LORD today! VCM is in need of your assistance, but before I go on, I'd like you to pray for the LORD to open your eyes and hearts to what HE would have you to do!!!
Many of you that are reading this know of me and the ministry, if not, please follow the links to find out more. I have been striving to do that which the LORD has been leading me to daily and have been making great strides in accomplishing it all. Programs are beginning to take shape and I am beginning to gather a list of suppliers and equipment that will be needed to continue building the ministry. There are many, many great needs that are mounting each day that I continue to strive to fulfill the LORD's calling upon this ministry and my life.
There is the need to reach out and have the word spread about the ministry! I've been networking numerous of the social networks to increase the attention the ministry is getting online. There is the need to have this ministry before the eyes of as many as possible. With the hurricane season approaching, there is the chance that we will have works to do, helping people recover from that which nature has inflicted upon them. With as many as possible knowing about the ministry and the LORD's calling for us, to be there to assist in this process, it will help us to show the love of JESUS to many people. It would be awesome to have as many people out there telling their friends and neighbors, church family and coworkers about this ministry as possible. This can be done in many ways and takes very little effort to do, just a few words referencing the ministry and what the intents of it are. Maybe even giving them information that will lead them to one of our sites. All these will help to boost the visits to these sites, thus increasing it's search engine standings.
Next on the list, is our need for improve computing capacity. I've currently only one old ( '01') computer and it is greatly lacking in processing power. Due to it's age and limitations for expansion, it's not worth investing money into improving it. This was a great blessing to the ministry, because I had to leave my '04' system back in Ohio when I left on foot on this trip (details can be found on one of our sites.) I'm currently having to cleanup, defragment, both the hard drives and registry several times a week, just to keep it functioning online to some degree of efficiency. Anyone that has an old computer laying around, desktop or laptop we need several of each, we could truly use them to fulfill the LORD's calling. I'm currently restricted greatly from that which I can do, because of this system's problems handling graphics content of any degree. I've even problems when typing in blogs or any written material longer then a simple comment. If led to donate a system, please follow the LORD's leading, for it will help us truly make a difference in someone's life. There is no need to contact me, though a short email would be nice, just send it off. The mailing address will be posted later along in this posting.
Next, we're in need of people to volunteer their services in any way led. This could be to help us spread the word about the ministry, enlisting as a prayer warrior for our email prayer system, or even those that will want to volunteer in some other manor. These can be online or on foot, however you're led to. Though Kingsville is limited in it's areas of employment available, Corpus Christi (less then a half hours drive) isn't. Life here in Kingsville is enjoyable, though limited in the amenities, there is great room for growth. If any would be led to move to the area, I do believe you'll enjoy it's relaxed atmosphere and slower lifestyle. We've a population of just under 25,000 and I've yet to meet any that weren't friendly. There are numerous churches of varying denominations, so I'm sure you could find one to fellowship in. For more information on the area, just check into the Chamber of Commerce websites for the cities in the area, I'm sure these will give you more then enough information. Eventually plans for on site housing will be taken care of and we'll be able to house both temporary and full time volunteers at one of them eventually. You see, VCM is going to operate on the lines of the first century church, where we'll be more of a family, then a group of people just working together. Updates on this will be coming later as things begin to take shape.
Next, would be our need for tools and equipment. These cover a very large spectrum and it is hard to know where to start. Every sort of construction tool (power or hand), office supplies of all sorts, to Bibles and Christian literature (CD's and DVD's ). Considering the nature of the ministry and it's disaster relief operational plans, these could be filled by anything from a screwdriver to a piece of heavy equipment. Nothing imaginable would be turned down, unless it were in really bad shape. I've always stressed the fact that we as Christians are representing the LORD in that which we do, this includes what we donate to help others. When I first got out of the halfway house after prison, I was given some cookware, that I'd not feed a dog out of! They were trash and should of been treated as such, instead of being given to one trying to start life over again. That is why VCM will not give something to someone, that we wouldn't use ourselves.
Last on the list is the one I've not ever wanted to ask for and that is the monetary donation. I'll not promise, like so many do, that GOD will bless you greatly if you give "$99.95" to this ministry. Yes, GOD does bless those that bless others, but this is HIS choice and HIS alone!!! If you take a look at the programs that VCM has in it's plans and then start looking around at the cost of the materials to accomplish such feats, you'll see why we've this need. GOD has given me a vision of a Christian helps ministry, unlike anything ever before assembled. There are going to be branches of this ministry eventually reaching around the globe, covering many fields of work. All these will take time to accomplish and a great amount of funding and labor. But what the LORD has shown me is that it will happen and that the glory won't be ours, but HIS alone. Yes, people will know about us and all that we do, but they'll also know that we fully operate by and for the glory of the greatest ONE alive, JESUS!!!
Any physical donations can be sent to the following address:
Vine of CHRIST Ministries
c/o Rev. Marshall Barth
204 Otis St.
Kingsville, TX.,78363
Email inquiries and other contacts, please use:
I must stress this again, I ask that whomever takes this under consideration, to please first pray and ask the LORD to lead you in how HE and HE alone wants you to assist this ministry of HIS. The ministry is not mine at all, everything that is in plans for it, has been given to me, as a servant to all, by HIS leading alone. I want no glory for myself, but want all that ever is done by this ministry to bring nothing but glory to the precious name of JESUS. If I am to work this by myself, until I take my last breath here on earth, so be it, for I accept it as HIS will. But I do not believe at all, that HE has given me these great visions and filled my heart with such compassion, as to let it be expended on the little that I've been able to accomplish. If you want to see that which I've been doing so far, do a search of my name or one of my user names (revbarth, hisson1, hisson7, hisson33, Rev. Marshall Barth, Vine of CHRIST Ministries or Vine Ministerial Network International), and I'm sure you will find enough to let you know I am sold out to this calling.
I want to thank you for your time, if you've read this far and thank you for even considering helping me to achieve that which the LORD has set before me. May GOD bless you and guide you in these matters and may you listen to HIS still quiet voice and do as HE leads!!!
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine Ministerial Network International
p.s. If any of you are in need of prayer, please email your request to:
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