Monday, December 14, 2009

May the LORD meet our needs!!!

Praise the LORD!!!
   With this being the CHRISTmas season, things are tough all around. Many have had to focus on personal needs only with the current state of the economy. With the relocation and reformation of VCM beginning just months ago. This has become a very tight time within our budget. With the ministry's state of currently being funded only through my income, it has been extremely hard. Especially with all the new increases in 'branches' to it's operational umbrella.
   You see, for all of the twelve years of this ministry's existence, it has been almost totally dependent on the works of my hands alone. There were those that made donations of clothing and food items when I first set it up in Springfield, MO. But after I made a move to another section of town, this even disappeared and it was all out of pocket. Then with the move to Louisiana this became even more so a truth. With relocation to MS. after being hit by the hurricanes of '05', this became a greater reality. All the works done in the ministry's name, and CHRIST's, were totally out of pocket. Even though while there, for almost two full years, I worked on over two hundred homes, some from the ground up, others just renovations and repairs of existent structures.
   I don't know the reason for the ministry not receiving acceptance from the Church and public in general and really don't care. The LORD has called me to this ministry and I'll work it until the day I die, alone if need be, but whatever happens through it's name will be in the name of JESUS!!! I've promised to not make pleas for donations. This being a personal dislike of mine, because when I've watched or listened to Christian programming, it seems as if this is most of what you see and hear. So I've promised the LORD, this will not come out of my mouth.
   What I will ask for, are your heart felt prayers!!! I know the power of prayer firsthand and trust that if the needs of this ministry are going to be met, this is the way that it's going to happen and this way alone. I've totally placed my life and the life of this ministry in JESUS' hands, as of April this year. When I started to walk from Utopia, Ohio to Kingsville, Texas on foot. (You can find out details on this at the ministry's website, in the November newsletter (of sorts.))
   Since making it to Kingsville, I've been hosted by two marvelous families. One even setting me up with a donated computer and the internet, this is where this is being entered from at this time. With the LORD's blessing upon this old ('01') computer, I've been blessed to do far more then I thought possible. Even though I've fought 'tooth and nail' at times to keep it from freezing up, by running only one program at any time. Though progress has been slow, the ministry's web presence has grown, now being tied to numerous Christian and social sites online. One just has to do a search of the ministry's name or mine to find this out. This all has come about because the LORD has blessed me with a great faith and perseverance to put in twelve to fourteen hours a day in doing thus. If I have to, I'll continue this way until my last breath, but I truly don't believe the LORD wants it to come to these ends.
   I'd tell y'all the full vision of the ministry, what the LORD has shown me, but you would call me 'nuts', because believe me this isn't just a little one man operation. I'll say this, that if you took the world's top ten helps organizations, ball them all up together, the combined mass wouldn't hold up to a part of VCM. I can hear some of you now, 'this guy is nuts!' or 'he's totally lost it.' Well if I am in this state, let me say it clearly, JESUS has been in my life to such a great extent and changed the man that I used to be to such an extent, that I'm crazy for JESUS and have given my life totally to HIS glory and HIS alone!!!
   As I said earlier, I just want your heart felt prayers on these matters. If the LORD effects your heart to help in other ways, so be it, but all I want is for the prayers of the saints to fill heaven with prayers for this HIS ministry through me, and this alone!!!

1 comment:

  1. "I'd tell y'all the full vision of the ministry, what the LORD has shown me, but you would call me 'nuts', because believe me this isn't just a little one man operation."

    I've read your book, brother. I'll not call you crazy. Faith is a gift.

