Saturday, November 28, 2009

In all things...

Praise the LORD!!!
   In all things, are we told to sing praises to the LORD! How often do we actually do this? Do we praise HIS name when there are troubles at our doorway? Do we praise HIM when sitting in traffic waiting to do some ‘Black Friday’ shopping? Or when someone dishonors us and our beliefs? Let us look at this deeply, for in it lies many of the problems within our walks and our churches this day! GOD has given us this directive for a reason and a very good one. It shows where our heart truly is.
   When we can offer up praises in the most ungodly of situations, we are telling HIM that we trust HIM completely. We may not fully understand HIS reasoning for our difficulties, but we acknowledge that HE has a reason for allowing us to go through them. Many times it may be for our strengthening, so we can help others in such times of need. It may be that we’ve lost focus on who GOD truly is and its for our reassurance. It maybe that we’ve lost sight of who our neighbor truly is and how we’re commanded to love them as we love ourselves. Or maybe, just maybe it is so we can see the hand of GOD working miracles within our lives.
   The point of the matter is that we are told to sings praise of thanksgiving and worship to our GOD, and to be obedient to this, we must lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving to a most loving and omnipotent GOD. HE that knows us better than we know ourselves. HE that has plans for this world and all those that call upon HIS name. HE that has created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them.
   So, lift your voices this day, above all that has come upon you and sing praises and thanksgivings, unto the one and only GOD who loves your more then you can imagine!!!
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

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