Saturday, May 22, 2010

To many times...

 Praise the LORD!!!

   To many times we as humans tend to forget GOD. We forget that all we have to our name is from HIM and given to us for a purpose. We tend to forget that HE has given us the very ability to take the next of breath. Or the fact that we have a heart beating within our chest, that HE alone has blessed to continue beating. This too has a reason, HIS reason, for being. All that exist, whether living or not, has been created by GOD and for GOD's express purpose. Not one moment of time or one minute particle within this whole universe has a reason for being of it's own. All was created for GOD's very own unique purpose.

   We as humans, being of the highest order of creation on earth, hold a spot very unlike any other created item. We have the ability to think and reason, to seek after knowledge, wisdom and processions. Even the angels, which are closer to GOD, seek not after these things. For they realize that their very existence has come about by HIS hand and that their very existence relies completely upon HIM. Whereas we as humans, should be able to figure these facts out, many times we don't and we believe that we're the controlling factor within our own worlds. This characteristic comes from the fact that we've been blessed with a living soul, that can and does make choices on how it will exist. We've a trait called pride that causes us to focus on our own existence and survival over all else.

   This trait, pride, is that which was the cause of the original sins, both those of the angels and of mankind. lucifer and the fallen angels thought more highly of themselves then they should have, thus their current state of banishment from the KINGDOM of GOD. Whereas only their leader, now called satan or the devil, is allowed at any time to enter this realm. Whereas we of the earthly order of created beings (mankind), fell from GOD's KINGDOM also because of pride, but HE has made special amendments to enable our return to it if we so choose. Why HE would chose to do this only for us and not the angels can only be assumed, for it is not written in scripture. But it is a fact that still exist and one that GOD has set down and can not be changed.

    We as humans tend to forget the fact that GOD is the controlling factor within our lives and we seek to do things in our own strengths. What we usually end up with is more of a mess then anything else. Yes there are times we we can do things that work out for the betterment of ourselves and others, but usually they're done for the wrong purposes, in effect voiding the good that was done. How is it that we so easily forget that GOD placed us here with a purpose? That HE alone has brought about everything that has happened within our lives? Its simple, we see ourselves at a higher level of importance then we rightfully deserve. We believe we're the ones in control and that we can cause things to happen to our own benefit. This is that 'original' sin of pride welling up inside of us, taking the forefront of our thought process.

    The only way to do away with this sin is to totally die to self and this is only possible by allowing GOD, by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT to come in and take over control. This is a dying to self that is often spoken of in scripture, but seldom truly sought after, to the fullest extent. Sure there are times that we give a weak hearted attempt at it, but its usually attempted under our own power and not that of the HOLY SPIRIT. Thus all our efforts are of no avail. Only when we allow the HOLY SPIRIT to take up residence within our hearts and then continue to allow HIM to mold us into the being that GOD originally intended us to be can this succeed. We must learn to totally release our lives into the hands of GOD and allow HIM and HIM alone to break us and mold us into that new creation spoken of in scripture. The regenerated being, the born again man.

    I urge you today, if you're a Christian and having problems within your life, pray for GOD to bless you with the HOLY SPIRIT. Pray that HE will then take the mess of a man/woman that you are and totally recreate you into the image that HE and HE alone wants you to be. At this time you will become a new creation, worthy to live in communion with the LORD!!!

    If pray tell you've not given your life to JESUS yet, take the time to read the GOSPEL of John. find yourself a version of the Bible that is clearly understandable to you, like the NIV, and sit down with it. Pray that if GOD is real and that HE has a purpose in life for you, that HE'll reveal HIS truth to you from the reading you're about to undertake. Then begin to read, not speed reading, but take your time and allow GOD to move upon your heart from within the WORDS of this most holy book. If at anytime you feel that you've enough proof that GOD is real and that HE loves you and has a direct purpose for you in life, let HIM know it. Just talk to HIM like you would a loving friend or parent. Let HIM know that you believe that HE came to earth in the man/GOD, JESUS. That HE died upon the cross for your sins, that HE was buried and rose again to life on the third day, ascended to heaven and is now sitting at the right hand of the FATHER, interceding for you before the FATHER. Ask JESUS to come into your life and take control, so that you may live a life seeking to bring glory to HIS most holy and precious name. Then follow suit with the others and ask HIM to grace you with the HOLY SPIRIT, to created in you a totally new creation!!!


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