Saturday, October 8, 2011

VineNotes October 2011

PTL!!! It has been awhile :)))
     It has been some time since, I've made an entry here. There's been numerous problems, which if you've been following the happenings thru my numerous postings on the social sites I frequent, so I'll not post them here. This would just be a bit redundant and only rehashing the past :))) Being that the ministry has been blessed with a new computer and several donations, there is a bit more movement towards the goal of establishing the ministry. Most of this has been witnessed online only, due to the fact that for the ministry to really establish a footing in the real world, it will take far more funding. The LORD has shown me great visions and all that I've been able to complete to date, are are from fulfilling even the most basic of these. You can't develop a global ministry, with but the work of a single person, it takes an army of people and equipment.

   With the new computer and some of the donated funds, I've purchased hardware for the computer, to upgrade it's operational abilities. Adding RAM(memory) and a graphics card(to remove part of the drain from the RAM used for this.) The next moves will be to acquire another slightly smaller monitor(19") to have my Bible study programs viewable while visiting at one of the social sites. This will allow for improved postings of scripture related post.
   There will also be a need for increased efficiency in other areas and there will be the need for other programs to do so. There are three of these that I've currently in mind.
  • Microsoft Office Professional
  • Adobe Acrobat X Suite
  • DeLorme mapping program
   With these programs the ministry will be able to begin operating along the lines of a proper ministry. Able to produce the proper paperwork, promotions needed to represent the LORD correctly in this world. Also, with the mapping programs, it will open up a far better understanding of those areas of interest that are being dealt with. Such as this spring's tornado outbreaks, where my current system just wasn't giving me enough information to post warnings properly. It would also be nice to have better online coverage of such events, through a paid account, but this will be at another time :))) When posting on such events, it is best to have the most detailed maps as possible, for when you're only able to get close (5-10 miles) of a storms location, it doesn't give those within the area as many details as possible !!! I was having to post a generalized location and had posted on both the Joplin, MO. and Tuscaloosa, AL. tornadoes(along with many others), but rightfully couldn't pinpoint these systems exact(or as close as possible) locations. For the ministry to properly function along these lines, this will have to be improved upon and these programs will be of great benefit in accomplishing this !!!

   As with any growing adventure, there is much more that can be improved upon, but these(as with all things) will be taken care of as the LORD allows them to take place !!! All things in the LORD's time :)))