Monday, November 21, 2011

The Whole Enchilada

Praise the LORD!!!

    Seldom is it, that I'll post here, the complete writings of another, but this will go against that. The reason for this is that fits perfectly in with a number of conversations that I've had in the last several days and handles them in a very fitting manor!!! Enjoy :)))( side note, this is a whole sermon, so it isn't short:))) )


                                                            The Whole Enchilada

                                                                    Acts 5:41

“So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name.” (NASB)

In the 1989 movie Field of Dreams, Ray Kinsella hears a voice saying, “If you build it, he will come,” and interprets the mysterious message to mean that he should plow under his Iowa corn to build a baseball diamond. Which he does, resulting in Shoeless Joe Jackson and seven other banned players from the 1919 White Sox team showing up on his baseball diamond to play.


Toward the end of the movie Ray and Shoeless Joe have an exchange that goes to the heart of Ray’s motives. Ray says something to the effect of “I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do and have never once asked, ‘what’s in it for me.’ ” “What are you saying?” Shoeless Joe replies. Ray fidgets, shifts his weight, looks down to the ground and says, “Well, what’s in it for me?”

Even the most selfless among us get around to asking the question eventually, “What’s in it for me?” Part of the reason we do, is because we’ve been conditioned by Madison Avenue to think that way. But really, no one had to teach us to be selfish it is natural. Somewhere among the other single-syllabic words toddlers learn is always the word: “Mine!“It is a word a small child will use to describe everything they like without regard to real ownership. As we grow, we learn to share and care about other people’s feelings and rights, but somewhere deep down inside is that nagging question, “What’s in it for me?”

Even when it comes to matters of faith.

We understand that becoming a Christian means surrender of our own will to God’s will it is completely giving our lives to Him and submitting ourselves to His lordship. We know that we no longer can claim ownership of our lives because we’ve been bought with a price. We read Paul’s opening words in Titus 1:1 “This letter is from Paul, a slave of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ …” (NLT) and understand that Jesus is our Lord and we are His servant. Intellectually, we know that what really matters is God’s will and His Kingdom, but something inside of ourselves says, “Yeah, but that’s just Church talk you know the kind of thing you say in Sunday School it isn’t the real world.”

And so our duplicity continues. We dabble in faith, but are not willing to swallow the whole enchilada.

Not the early Christians.

Our text says, “So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name.” (Acts 5:41 NASB)

God was manifesting Himself in powerful ways in the 5th Chapter of Acts. After the purging of the church, the entire congregation was gripped by a great fear of the Lord (vs. 11). And the Apostles began performing miraculous acts of service. Those in need were flocking to the church and were being healed (vss 14–16). You’d think everyone in town would be happy that the needy were being ministered to, but they weren’t. The religious leaders went into a jealous rage and arranged for the Apostles to be imprisoned (vss 17–18).

But God was at work and an Angel of the Lord broke them out of jail and told them to get back to work proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ, which they did at daybreak (vss 19–21).

More political wrangling followed, resulting in the conspirators dragging the Apostles before the council. The council confronted the apostles with not following their clear directive to never preach in the name of Jesus again. The apostles didn’t relent, but insisted that they would continue to follow God (vss 22–32). The council was enraged with the apostles declared that the council was guilty of the blood of Jesus and was ready to kill them before Gamaliel stopped them with a voice of reason. He said, “So my advice is, leave these men alone. If they are teaching and doing these things merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown. [39] But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God.” Acts 5:38–39 (NLT) With that, they flogged the disciples, and once again warned them never to speak in Jesus’ name again.

Their reaction wasn’t to gripe about their ill treatment. They didn’t call their lawyers because they were thrown in jail without a cause. They didn’t complain that they had to start work early the next morning without a decent night’s sleep and neither did they complain that they were flogged. Instead, the scripture records that they rejoiced “that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name.”

No “what’s in it for me” attitude here they’d fully committed themselves to God. They weren’t dabbling in faith. They’d swallowed the whole enchilada. They were so committed to Christ that they were grateful for their flogging, because God considered them worthy to suffer for His name.

This attitude is not isolated to this passage of scripture. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:10 NASB) Jesus considered the persecuted blessed people. In Luke 6:22 He said, “Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and cast insults at you, and spurn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man.” (NASB)

Like Ray Kinsella, you might be ready to ask, “so what’s in it for me?” Well, I’m glad you asked. Persecution does have its advantages. For one, it makes you STRONG. Romans 5:3 says, “And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;” (NASB) Just like lifting weights builds muscles, going through trials builds character.

It makes you strong, but it also SEPARATES THE TEMPORARY FROM THE PERMANENT. Hebrews 10:34 says, “You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions.” (NIV) Whenever everything else is stripped away what is left is what is most precious.

In the same vein, in your weakened state, you discover the SOURCE OF YOUR TRUE STRENGTH. 2 Cor. 12:10 says, “Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” (NASB)

Yes, persecution strengthens you, helps you know what is permanent and shows you the source of your true strength, but there’s more.

The Apostles didn’t rejoice because the flogging made them strong, long for heaven or because they found that God was the source of their strength. They rejoiced because God found them WORTHY TO SUFFER FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE.

Paul wrote, “For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him.” (Philip. 1:29 NLT) And Peter wrote, “But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. [14] If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. [15] If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. [16] However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.” (1 Peter 4:13–16 NIV)

“What’s in it for you?” Fellowship with Christ. Philip. 3:10 says, “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;” (KJV)

You can’t just pick and choose. If you want to know the power of his resurrection, you’d better be ready to know the fellowship of his sufferings.

Because you can’t be finicky when it comes to following Christ you can’t just dabble in faith, you have to eat the whole enchilada.

Wilson, J. L. (2009). Fresh Sermons. Fresno, CA: Willow City Press.
-via Logos4

Friday, November 4, 2011

How often...

 Praise the LORD, for HE has blessed us with another day, one bringing to and end a week of toil and gracing us with several days of down time !!!

    How often..., oh this could lead in many directions :))), but for this day the LORD has only one in mind. How often do we go out into the world, wearing, let's say a Christian t shirt or pin, or drive around with a Christian bumper sticker ??? If you're like me, this is a constant, for I'm either wearing a Christian t shirt when out and about on personal chores or wearing a ministry related one when out doing the LORD's work !!!

   If you're familiar with my writings, you'll know, that they all are multifaceted, many times taking in a whole score of differing issues :))) Believe me, this isn't my doing, but the LORD's, for I am but a simple man when it comes to things, but the LORD, HE deals with things on multiple levels of detail. (Just take into account nature and it's many levels of interaction, all weaved together into a perfectly operating system !!!) Opps, point proven, I'd say :))) Back to that at hand.

   Here we are, out taking care of business, either personal or pertaining to our livelihoods. We're sporting the latest in Christian fashions, letting all whom come across us know we're a Christian. When suddenly we tend to forget this fact of life and are moving around totally unaware of that which we're doing and those around us. Let's say, we're shopping in the local market, and anything could fit here. We're moving around, maybe shopping list in hand, child in tow (or maybe not), oblivious to everything else. We may cut off a person with our shopping cart, not being forgetful to excuse ourselves, yet speedily we continue moving along. Item after item we add to our carts, until the list is fulfilled and it's off to the checkout line. Here, we find line after line of people, all seeking the same thing, to finish our shopping and get on with our day.

   OK, here's where things get interesting, let's take a look at all that has just happened, and compare it with that which we're representing in life(remember that t shirt, hoodie or pin :))) and it doesn't even need to be any of these, just those around us, that know the fact that we're a Christian will suffice.) We've sped thru the store, unaware of those around us- would JESUS of done so ??? We've interacted with people in an inexcusable manor(for even though we excused our actions, is it really CHRIST-like to place ourselves before others???) These are just two things that may of happened, there truly could of been many more. The issue here, is the fact, that in all that we do, whether we announce the fact that we're a Christian or not, we "ARE" representing JESUS 100% of the time,or are supposed to be. Whether at work, in the store or wherever, we represent JESUS in all that we do and say !!! A truly important fact, especially in this fast paced world of ours, where it seems as if everyone is out for themselves, caring little or none at all for the welfare of others around them !!!

   Though JESUS, being GOD in the flesh, HE had a much keener incite into the needs and emotions of people(while here on earth), it doesn't take a 'rocket scientist' to know something about a person, without asking. If one is truly going thru life as we should, shouldn't we be caring about all those around us, to a higher degree then ourselves??? Shouldn't we be looking into people's eyes, the windows of their souls, and getting an incite into the intensity of that which they're going thru??? How often do we also forget, that while out in the world, others that see us, even from a distance, who may know we're a Christian or know from that which we're wearing that we are, are watching !!! Watching and learning, just to what extent we truly are that which we proclaim to be !!! So, the next time you're out and about among the world, think about just "How often", you, as a Christian, are truly representing JESUS !!!!!!!

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

*** please don;t forget, if you've a prayer need, the ministry has an email account to which you can send your request to : 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh, to be like nature

 Praise the LORD!!!

    OH, it would be sweet to be like nature. For unlike nature, man is constantly seeking to render things by his own hands and not those of GOD !!!

" These wait all upon Thee;
  That Thou mayest give them their meat in due season.
  That Thou givest unto them, they gather:
  Thou openest Thine hand, they are satisfied with good." Psalm 104:27-28
         from- Waiting on God, Andrew Murray

   Oh, so sweet it would be, to be so un-dependent upon self and more so dependent upon GOD alone. Not to have the cares and worries of life, that so heavily weight us each of us down, both day and night!!! But child of GOD, it is there for us, if we but truly reach out with unwavering faith. Yes, it is there, we but need to realize it and trust HE whom is far more able to meet our needs than we can ever be.

   This does not mean to cease from our efforts of gathering, but to realize that it is not by our efforts alone that these provisions come. For it is thru the blessings of GOD, HIS abundance poured out upon us and into our waiting hands. Matt. 6:25-34 so clearly sings this out and it is but up to us to be the trusting and faithful ones to garner that which is given so freely. Lifting up voices in praises, as the flowers lift their petals to the heavens, seeking not our own glory, but that of the one and only, that truly is in control !!! Sing your praises to the LORD, for only HE is worthy !!!!!!!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Colossians 3:1-17 NIV84


   This is something, that in the past I've not done, but am led to post at this time, for there are those in need of this leading also !!!

   Colossians 3:1-17 NIV84
3 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is youra life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.b 7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8 But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. 11 Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.
12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. 

*** I've left all the notations in place and with "reftager"(a Logos program) these should work, but at this time, I'm not sure, so we all shall see :)))

 GOD bless and good day,
 Rev. Marshall Barth

   If you're in need of prayer, please feel free to email us(me at this time) @

Saturday, October 8, 2011

VineNotes October 2011

PTL!!! It has been awhile :)))
     It has been some time since, I've made an entry here. There's been numerous problems, which if you've been following the happenings thru my numerous postings on the social sites I frequent, so I'll not post them here. This would just be a bit redundant and only rehashing the past :))) Being that the ministry has been blessed with a new computer and several donations, there is a bit more movement towards the goal of establishing the ministry. Most of this has been witnessed online only, due to the fact that for the ministry to really establish a footing in the real world, it will take far more funding. The LORD has shown me great visions and all that I've been able to complete to date, are are from fulfilling even the most basic of these. You can't develop a global ministry, with but the work of a single person, it takes an army of people and equipment.

   With the new computer and some of the donated funds, I've purchased hardware for the computer, to upgrade it's operational abilities. Adding RAM(memory) and a graphics card(to remove part of the drain from the RAM used for this.) The next moves will be to acquire another slightly smaller monitor(19") to have my Bible study programs viewable while visiting at one of the social sites. This will allow for improved postings of scripture related post.
   There will also be a need for increased efficiency in other areas and there will be the need for other programs to do so. There are three of these that I've currently in mind.
  • Microsoft Office Professional
  • Adobe Acrobat X Suite
  • DeLorme mapping program
   With these programs the ministry will be able to begin operating along the lines of a proper ministry. Able to produce the proper paperwork, promotions needed to represent the LORD correctly in this world. Also, with the mapping programs, it will open up a far better understanding of those areas of interest that are being dealt with. Such as this spring's tornado outbreaks, where my current system just wasn't giving me enough information to post warnings properly. It would also be nice to have better online coverage of such events, through a paid account, but this will be at another time :))) When posting on such events, it is best to have the most detailed maps as possible, for when you're only able to get close (5-10 miles) of a storms location, it doesn't give those within the area as many details as possible !!! I was having to post a generalized location and had posted on both the Joplin, MO. and Tuscaloosa, AL. tornadoes(along with many others), but rightfully couldn't pinpoint these systems exact(or as close as possible) locations. For the ministry to properly function along these lines, this will have to be improved upon and these programs will be of great benefit in accomplishing this !!!

   As with any growing adventure, there is much more that can be improved upon, but these(as with all things) will be taken care of as the LORD allows them to take place !!! All things in the LORD's time :)))

Monday, September 5, 2011

GOD's Thoughts About You

Ephesians 1:5                   I am GOD's child
Ephesians 5:1                   I am Dearly Loved
Jeremiah 31:3                  I am Loved Forever
Romans 8:39                   I am Loved Unconditionally
Psalms 27:5                     I am Protected and Safe
Romans 7:4                     I Belong to GOD
John 15:15                      I am JESUS' Friend
Revelation 21:2               I am the Bride of CHRIST
Ephesians 2:10                I am GOD's workmanship
1 Corinthians 3:16           I am GOD's Residence
Ephesians 1:4                  I am Blameless
Ephesians 4:24                I am Righteous
Philippians 4:13               I am Adequate
2 Corinthians 5:17           I am a New Creation
Philippians 4:13               I am Strong in CHRIST
Romans 8:37                   I am Victorious
Romans 8:17                   I am a Joint Heir with CHRIST
Matthew 5:14                  I am the Light of the World
Philippians 3:20                I am a Citizen of Heaven
John 15:5                         I am Channel of GOD's Life
Hebrews 13:5                  I am never Alone
Ephesians 2:6                   I am Seated in Heaven

  PTL!!! As always, I give credit, where credit is due:))) This isn't of my hands, but from a bookmark within my Bible. Published by Christian Families Today, A Christian Counseling and Training Ministry @

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some may say...

 Praise the LORD!!!

    Some may say! Some may say what? Some may be saying that I've a bit of an attitude about the church and it's sickly condition!!! I've got to agree, yes I agree 100%!!!

   Let me give you the basis for this bad attitude and you may see exactly why I've such a standing against the BODY to which I'm a member. I've not come to this on my own at all, it has all come about by the hands of the LORD. Anyone that has a true understanding of GOD's sovereign control over all events in our lives, will understand this statement, but I will go into detail to kind of connect the dots:)))

   As most of you know, I'm the one that starts all my comments and articles online with a "PTL!!!" This because, I realize that every little detail within my life has, and will continue to be, been controlled by GOD HIMself, for HIS purpose in fulfilling HIS perfect will for my life and mankind!!! I know this is a bit of a controversial topic, I'll not argue it, but it is my understanding and one that is set in stone(the ROCK!!!) Over the last couple of years, I've been led on a great adventure, one that led me to head for Kingsville, Texas from Utopia, Ohio on foot. Details of this walk can be found online in many places, so I'll not go into details here.

   On the first attempt, was it an attempt or GOD's purpose directly:), I had contact with many Christians and for the most part, they were those that didn't attend church on a regular basis. Most of these told me directly that they had closely the same opinions about the churches (not only those buildings they attended, but the Christian body itself), they'd been in contact with over the years. Most of these, were not new converts to the Christian faith, but those seasoned souls that had been members of the BODY for years. Now when you have people such as this, tell you things, it is best to listen, for they've garnered things based on a 'mature' understanding of what Christianity is truly supposed to be about.

   Too much hypocrisy, too much gossip, too much arguing, all about money, too large of a focus on accepting the world and it ways-instead of separation from it and a focus on 'themselves'( the building, the programs, their own membership) and not reaching out to the un-churched and those in need around them. Now, this may be a lot to chew on, but this is what the LORD has been feeding me on for most of the ministry!!! These things were not new to me, they'd been being laid on my heart for years. I've lived in numerous areas over the years, I've been in many a church and even considered as part of numerous of them and I've seen these exact 'problems' in many of them. Some, only in part and in others the whole lot of these. What the LORD's purpose for me in taking part, and gathering this witness, in all this, I don't know, but I do know, HE does have purpose for it and it will come to fruition someday.

   Now, here is the point where I sit on the roadside for 6 1/2 hr. on a Sunday morning, with three broken toes on one foot and the knee on my other leg blown out. Watching as hundreds of people are on their way to church, returning from church and out and about on their Sabbath day.  Now, most of you know what people going to church look like, or those little signs that are displayed on Christian's vehicles. Imagine now, being in need of assistance and  just watching all this brothers and sisters in CHRIST just passing you by, looking your way, but just speeding on their own ways, forsaking the very Christian principles that are supposed to bind us together as one united BODY!!! A bit disheartening, to say the least.

   Now, let's move on to the more present times. In mid May, while reporting local storm warnings, part of the ministry, the ministry's computer suffered a lightening strike. Thank GOD, it only resulted in a partial meltdown, taking out the graphics card and disabling other details of the motherboard's operating systems. All of which I've no idea about, but was blessed to barely manage to keep the system online, though at a very limited extent. I broadcast this message, one of the ministry being in need of a replacement for this computer. Those that have followed V.CM. for any extent of time know, this ministry doesn't ask for donations, but ask that you pray over our needs and then do that which the LORD lays upon your heart. Here is where the difficulty with this matter lies. The LORD comforted my heart, by letting me know HE'd laid all of these needs upon the hearts of others and that now this matter was in the hands of those that call upon HIS name as LORD and SAVIOR.

   Here it, the second week of August, I'm on a computer that was moth-balled because of age and complete lack of expandability. (The other system, having burnt up at the beginning of the last week.) I have received several promises for computers; one a thrift store donation, another a hand me down when they replace their current system and one where a Christian sister put out a plea and promised $50 to start with. As I said I'm currently on a moth-balled system, so you should be able to know what has come of these. I am thankful for these people's efforts, but yes it is disheartening that nothing has yet to come into fruition!

   I've made it not secret that I totally depend upon the LORD's provisions and HE has met all of my needs completely, at least those of keeping me feed, clothed, in an apartment and online(just met this last night, with money from the works of my hands). I've entered every contest giving away computer systems. I'd like you to really think about that last sentence, a Christian minister, trying to run a ministry, having to depend on those of the 'WAYS of the WORLD' to meet their needs!!! Where is the BODY of CHRIST in all of this??? Where is that Christian charity, that so permeated the first century church??? What has happened to the CHURCH, that is to love it's other members, as it loves itself??? I've recently witnessed a woman, whose dog was bite by a rattlesnake, receive $1800 for the dogs care and these were all 'worldly' people. What has happened to the once great church, that reached out and provided the needs of others???

   Now, this is what I'm led to get you to see!!! If I've this attitude, with my being only of flesh and bone, how do you think the LORD views these circumstances???


Saturday, August 6, 2011

How long???

Praise the LORD!!!

    This is being laid upon my heart this day and I must be obedient and post it!!!

   How long must I contend with you? You call yourself the BODY, yet you act as if only a bunch of members of it!!! You act upon that which brings yourselves acclaim and not on that which I have commanded you!!! I have set before you many, that truly seek to do all that I've commanded them, wholeheartedly and without questioning, yet you ignore them all. You are a hand, while another is a foot, yet you worry about a manicure, instead of putting shoes upon a foot that is in so great of need!!! You worry about fine jewelry, to adorn your fingers, while those I've called walk upon blistering streets, barefooted!!! You call yourself a ministry for the LORD, yet you only seek your own good!!! I've set before you many, many that are in greater need then yourselves, yet you turn blind eyes upon them!!! Building greater and greater buildings, larger and larger systems, all for your own glory!!! Shall I pull my hands back from blessing you??? Shall I open the windows and doors of heaven and pour out my blessings upon those that truly seek the glory of MY KINGDOM and not that of some earthly building???

   The time is near, you just need to look around to see this!!! I AM about to move as never before!!! That which has used my provisions for their own glorification shall be laid low and those that have only sought after MY glory, shall I lift up!!! It is your call, as to what I shall do with these blessings that I've stored up for such a time as this which is about to come to be!!! You can either broadcast it to those in great need, or you can keep it for yourself, if you do, these will be your rewards and my hands shall come upon those that only seek my glory!!! The time of my contenting with you is over and it shall be MY KINGDOM that will receive the glory!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A forward, for you enjoyment, but something to consider!

 Praise the LORD!!!
    This is a little something that was forwarded to me, but something that should be considered during our current national problems!!! Enjoy, but consider it, as well. For it could be a fix for one of our nation's problem systems!!!
A Texan's answer to Welfare
This was in the Waco Tribune Herald, Waco , TX Nov 18, 2010
Put me in charge . . .
Put  me in charge of food stamps. I'd get rid of Lone Star cards; no Cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's, just money for  50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered  milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.
Put me in charge of Medicaid.  We'll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine and document all tattoos and piercings.  If you want use drugs, alcohol, smoke or get tats and piercings, then get a job.
Put me in charge of government housing. Ever live in a military barracks?  You will maintain our property in a clean and  good state of repair. Your "home" will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried.  If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your own place. In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a "government" job.  It may be cleaning the roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find for you.  We will sell your 22 inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo and speakers and put that money toward the “common good.”
Before you write that I've violated someone's rights, realize that all of the  above is voluntary.  If you want our money, accept our rules. Before you say that this would be "demeaning" and ruin their "self esteem," consider that it wasn't that long ago that taking someone else's money for doing absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self esteem.
If we are expected to pay for other people's mistakes we should at least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.
AND while you are on Gov’t subsistence, you no longer can VOTE!  Yes that is correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You will voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a Gov’t welfare check.  If you want to vote, then get a job.

Monday, July 18, 2011

IN GOD WE TRUST/ U.S. Postal Tip

 Praise the LORD!!!

    This is an email that I received and was asked to forward, but I feel it is of more important status than just my emails, so I'm blogging it for as many as possible to read!!!!!!!

Payback is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Including Bills

You may have heard in the news that a couple of Post Offices in Texas have been forced to take down small posters that say

The law, they say, is being violated..

Anyway, we heard proposed on a radio station show, that we should all write

on the back of all our mail.

After all, that's our National Motto, and -----all the money we use to buy stamps.
We think it's a wonderful idea.

We must take back our nation from all the people who think that anything that offends them should be removed.

If you like this idea, please pass it on and DO IT. The idea of writing or stamping............
on our envelopes sounds good to us

lets use it as our signature on e-mails,

It's been reported that 86% of Americans
believe in God. Therefore, we have a very hard time understanding why there's such
a mess about having
'In God We Trust!'
on our money and having God in the pledge of Allegiance.

Could it be that WE just need to take
action and tell the 14% to 'sit down, shut up OR move on'?

If you agree, pass this on.


that's one reason why this world is
in the mess we're in now



Saturday, July 9, 2011

VINEnotes July 2011

 Praise the LORD!!!

(Due to the current computer problems, I'm unable to post this to the website itself, so this is it, along with those sites that these post are linked too!!!)

   There hasn't been a newsletter for several months and since the social sites seem so inactive today, I'm led to post a bit of what is happening!

   Work at the Brothers' house is continuing as they're returning from vacation and Arron's graduation in Florida. When they left the roof was almost completed, but now is. I've started on the painting of the exterior, working on the sections where the new siding was installed. There are sections that won't be painted, as to the fact that there are still several sections that will be getting several windows replaced in time. I've one end of the house almost completed and will finish that Monday, this is a second coating on a large section of it's gable end.

   Still being blessed to stay online with this damaged computer, which I'm highly thankful for. Most computers when struck by lightening wouldn't even be running, but I've been blessed that it not only runs, but can get online with it and though only able to have a 'single tab' open at once, am able to continue  spreading the GOSPEL and the news of the ministry!!! These are great blessings, especially considering that this computer was a 'frozen' donation in the first place and one that should of been recycled instead of used(an '04' 1.8G single core dinosaur.) Though having several offers(3), none having come to fruition, so I'll continue my daily task of every several hours doing a system cleaning.

   If you've been following me on Facebook or Twitter today, you'll know that I'm having a bit of an 'Elijah' moment. One of feeling totally alone and of no use to the KINGDOM of GOD on earth!!! Hey, what can I say, it happens. Though you'll seldom hear it from the lips of those whom run the 'mega' ministries. Those that put on an air of spiritual superiority, those that are so much above the rest of us 'trench fighters.' Yet it is these, that seem to prosper so well. These that have the draw of thousands of followers and contributors. Yet it is these very ministries that are leading many down paths that even angels know better to tread. Those paths that lead only to a life centered around self and the world and not on the KINGDOM of GOD on earth and it's benefits to all of mankind.

   There is certainly a big problem with that which is called the BODY of CHRIST, the CHURCH, but these will wait for another posting. GOD has revealed much to me over the last several years worth of travel, on these problems. An though some has begun to appear online, as of late, it is far from time for all to come to the surface. In HIS time, I know it will and with my being a worthless, but obedient servant, await HIS timing to divulge it!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Praise the LORD!!!

    What I'm about to write, can be called nothing else, but a "SLAP!" Why, you may ask? The only reason that comes to heart, is that it is a reflection of the church and the heart of the BODY of CHRIST. This reflection, is marred and truly not as it should be.

   Most likely any of you that are reading this, are familiar with my ministry, my life and all the recent events within these. If not, a little research online can reveal all these, for I'm totally transparent about these.The truth is, this isn't about me and my walk with the LORD, for though this does reflect upon my works for the LORD, it isn't my lack that is being brought to the forefront.

   Since the inception of the ministry, back in June of '99', I've always put out notice of the intents of the ministry and the needs. Not asking for donations, but asking that you pray over these needs and do as the LORD leads and that only. From the beginning there seemed to develop a trend and this is that which this blog is about! This trend has greatly been revealed to me over the last several years, through the events that the LORD has walked me through. All these can be found, either at the ministry's website(in the newsletters) or in one of my blogs, or at one of the social sites that I frequent.

   What is this trend, you may be asking? The trend that more non church going Christians reveal Christian charity and faith, then those that regularly attend church!!! Some of you may be saying, "hold on now, I give my tithes at church and I regularly take part in the churches outreaches." Yes, this may be true, but how often do you reach outside of these? How often do you go the "extra mile" JESUS spoke of us going?(Matt. 5:39-42) How often do you play the part of the "good Samaritan," assisting one along the 'roadside' of your walk through life?(Luke 10:30-37)

   If these questions have stirred deep thought within your heart, you've been 'slapped,' but not by me, but by the LORD. For it is a sad statement, but one I'm thankful for, when anyone can say "they've received more compassion from those outside of the church, then they have from those within!!!"

   Most ministries at this time would enlist your tithes, but not mine! I ask you to pray, ask the LORD to reveal the truths of these matters. Then and only then, ask HIM what you can and should do about these and then do them!!!!!!!

   If you need prayer, you can use our email prayer line:

 May GOD richly bless you and guide you and may you hear HIS calling unto you!!!
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It all started...

Praise the LORD!!!

   It all started, or I should say "in the free world," back in June of 1999. What started you may ask? The formation of "Vine of CHRIST Ministries," in the free world. For it had originally begun while I was incarcerated and though I'd been out of prison for some months, it took a while to get things started. Most of these first months after my incarceration were spent in a halfway house, so my ministry works were greatly restricted to their rules.

   Shortly afterwards though I began collecting the needed information and contacts. I'd already found a church home, so I soon enlisted their help also and it was on quickly after release from the halfway house. I rented a two bedroom house with a full basement and the basement was ideal for collection and storage needs. Soon I was gathering far more than it was possible for me, with the current limited connections, to pass along. I began donating  in mass, items that I was being given, to other local ministries. Some times passing on over 500 items of clothing and food products for their dispersal to people in great need. Most of these went to non denominational groups, because they didn't have the "affiliated" requirements that the denominational ministries did.

   Even though it's been almost twelve years of working by myself, I'll continue another twelve alone if that's the LORD's will. I've personally had my hands involved in almost every area of operation that the ministry will have. Yet still, due to my lack of business "smarts", I've not been able to get the ministry recognized as a 501.3 c non profit. I've gotten most of the needed paperwork required, but just don't have the kowledge to bring it all together. Does this bother me? In a small way, yes! But GOD didn't call me as HE has, because of my business smarts. HE's called me because I listen and no matter "crazy" an idea sounds, I go with it, wholeheartedly, giving it my all and fearing nothing!!!

   Sure, I'm on the verge of homelessness, but it's not the first time:) I'm working on a disabled computer, that's not the first time either! It boils down to the fact that I trust GOD with my future, completely, no doubts and no regrets. What tomorrow holds, only HE knows for sure and I trust that it will be for HIS glory and not mine. For I am but flesh and bone, shaped in HIS likeness, graced to bring HIM glory with every breath that I take!!!

May GOD bless you and guide you,
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ministry Update

 Praise the LORD!!!

    I've been blessed to be doing the LORD's works for me over the last several weeks and currently have a day off from the physical aspects of it. Today, I'm taking a little time to handle some of the updates to the ministry's web site, as to the recent projects, and taking a little time to relax and draw closer to the LORD.

   The basic form of the updates, were the addition of several photos, provided by the home owner herself. These came as a surprise to me in an email from her. I'd tried to use my $20 digital to take them, but for some reason, it just wouldn't capture and hold them. Maybe this was due to my inexperience with it, or a malfunction of the camera itself, but the LORD has blessed me with them, through the hands of one thankful for the work rendered. I'm very thankful to the LORD and her for them and post them so others can see that which I'm blessed to accomplish!

   Why, do I say "blessed to accomplish?" Well if you knew the shape my body is in, you'd realize these simple jobs are a large blessing. I've a herniated disc in my lower back, thanks to working with a "storm chaser(rip off contractors who follow storms)" and knees that have gone through hell and back. There are many currently on SSDI that suffer less pain in a week, then I do in a day, but I go on in the power of the LORD. I draw each day a bounty of blessings from the LORD and most are one's most take for granted. The simple fact that I'm alive and breathing is one of them. Another is that I can actually do the things I do and continue to carry onwards and upwards.

   Tomorrow, though I know I'm not guaranteed it, I'll be continuing onto others works (these posted  on web site(current business page)). All the while, counting my blessings and praising the LORD for each and everyone of them!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Praise the LORD!!!

    Right now, I wouldn't be a very good person to be around! Let me explain. Over the last several days the central plains states, gulf states and numerous states along the east coast have been ravaged severe storms and tornadoes. Thousands of people's lives have suddenly been turned upside down, many having lost loved ones and/or everything they own. Since you're reading this I presume you're familiar with the ministry that I've been working to develop, so I'll not go into this.

   With one of the branches of the ministry being that of disaster relief, my heart is torn over these events. It's been thirteen years since I began working on the ministry. To date, I'm the only one that has shown any interest in bringing the love of JESUS into the lives of the suffering through it. From the collecting and distribution of food and clothing in Springfield, MO., to the rebuilding homes along the gulf coast, to the current attempt to set up it's first fully functional office and D.R.O.C., I'm still alone. Yes, I've receive many a donated item from people around me, all of which I'm very thankful for, but all the labor and all the cost, have come directly through that which the LORD has blessed me with or enabled me to do.

   I'm sitting here this morning with a heart torn open, pouring out my prayers and petitioning the LORD about all that could right now be taking place for HIS glory. V.C.M. could be on the ground right now in many of the effected areas, working to reveal the love JESUS has for all of mankind to those suffering from great loss. It's not and I'm not! I'm sitting here, behind a single 'outdated' computer, attempting to stir up the love of JESUS within the hearts of those around the country. Those that have the means. Those that have the abilities and equipment. All those that could, right now at this moment, be helping their neighbors to recover from these disasters. If I'm doing any good, only the LORD knows, but I will continue.

   If I were at this moment leading a church, there would be no Palm Sunday service! I would be gathering all the man power and supplies the congregation could gather and be sending them off to the front lines. Many were the times that JESUS HIMself broke the Sabbath, all to enrich the lives of those suffering. Would HE expect and different from us? NO!!! HE'd expect us to be doing the exact same and be revealing HIS love to those that are in need. Not gathering inside the 'four walls' and putting on a great show of pomp and circumstance, but doing the very labors HE HIMself would be preforming. It could be as little as 'giving a cup of water' to one thirsty, providing a meal to a worker, or getting out there and helping cleanup the debris. JESUS set the example and it is our calling to fulfill it. It doesn't have to be great or news worth, like many seek! (you hear their names already on the news, for it's what they seek.) But even the most basic of need met in the name of JESUS, would suffice to bring glory to HE that is truly worthy!!!

GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

 Your prayer request can be sent to:

Monday, April 4, 2011

Rolling Away the Stone...

 Praise the LORD!!!

   Currently I'm watching a Joyce Meyer video and I do mean currently(though it's not playing at the moment), but the LORD has led me to post this! For many years I've never made a statement about the direct needs of the ministry. I've made many indirect ones, but never out and out said "this is the need!"

   Well, this morning I'm 'rolling away the stone' and doing so. I've operated this ministry for around twelve years, alone and completely out of pocket. From the small basement clothing and food pantry in Springfield, Missouri, to rebuilding works along the gulf coast. All this was done by my hands, though others donated most of the items donated or used to do the work, my hands were the ones doing it. You won't find a list of all that's been done and that is one big difference between V.C.M. and others. We're not here to glorify ourselves, but JESUS CHRIST alone. Sure you'll find many references to areas and some work, but never the details.

   The stone that I'm rolling away, is this, Vine needs others! Whether through donated items, your coming on board with the ministry(either directly,by coming here, or indirectly), or support of some other means. It needs other people willing to go to the ends of the earth to bring glory to the precious name of JESUS through the works of their hands and the words of their mouths. If you're a BAC and tired of seeing secular groups getting the glory for people doing those works that Christians should be, then maybe you should consider V.C.M. Pray and ask the LORD and then do only that which HE leads you to!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Vine of CHRIST Ministries, what is the vison

 Praise the LORD!!!

   This is going to be something I've never been led to do and is only coming about because I've been getting promptings to do so all day!!! I'm going to try and keep this as short as possible, but this like all things within my life are in GOD's hands alone.

 Due to the depravity of my early life, when the LORD showed me all of my wrongs and HIS grace awaiting me, I didn't make a half-hearted choice, but a complete, petal to the metal decision. I was never known for doing things to a minor degree, but always stepped in with complete devotion to whatever it was. My giving my life to the LORD, was none the less.

  It maybe easier to state what the ministry won't cover, than what it will, because of it's total reach of Christian ministry. That might defeat the purpose of this post though, so it will not be the case. Early on in my walk for the LORD, which you all should know by now took place in prison, I was beginning to see many great needs in the body of CHRIST. Having at one time making a confession of belief, age 16, I was soon to fall away. This due to a lack of proper mentor-ship. You can see then that there will be a focus on discipleship training, not just conversion through a GOSPEL message, but the follow through that is needed after wards.

  During my prison time I was beginning to see how the families of the incarcerated were cast into a deeper pit than the incarcerated themselves. Shunned by those around them, even when these weren't any great saints themselves. Children being ostracized by their once loyal classmates. Churches and ministries that are supposed to reach out and assist those in need, turning a deaf ear. This because they weren't members of their 'out standing community.' What? Here I am having just been a Christian for a short while and I hear my wife(X) say she was told this! From this you can see there will be a section of the ministry that deals with the needs and cares of the families of the incarcerated. This should also allow you to see that with this would also come a focus on those within the confines of prison too.

   Since so much of my life was spent wasted on drugs and alcohol, there will be a CHRIST-centered drug and alcohol intervention and recovery program. I've become familiar with a number of good systems over the years through research and this may be a combination of several, working together under one 'roof.'

   Other areas that we'll have services in will be those related to sex. Yes, you heard me right, sex. Since I was molested at an early age by several of my sister's girlfriends and the way my life was presumed after wards, there will numerous groups of focus here. Some may be porn addictions, the sex trades and those effected by them(sex slavery included), pregnancy consoling and assistance, a men's responsibilities group. This list could go on to encompass most of the current social services programs, but truly as Christians we should focus on EVERY ASPECT of life. Part of loving your neighbor as yourself!!!

   Of coarse there will be the normal Christian fair of 'soup kitchens', food pantries, clothing and housewares recycling, job training and procurement services and the list could go on for some time:), but for brevity purposes, I'll stop with these. 

   OK now, let me go onto an area of the ministry you may of seen more of, the disaster related one. Maybe the best way to describe this branch of the vine would be, an army. Not a defensive one either, but one that actually assaults the disaster. Going into areas, when most are waiting for the problem to settle down. This is not going to be a little branch either, but a massive one with over 15 DROC's located in the continental U.S. alone. As I was shown, by vision, in the beginning, this will be like taking ten of the largest world spanning disaster relief agencies and clumping them together. A massive undertaking in the least and one I take very seriously. For I've been involved in numerous disasters, from the flooding of my hometown in the mid '70's' to Katrina and Rita in '05.' I've witnessed firsthand the shoddy example man calls relief and it isn't good at all. Kind of like defending against a rogue elephant with a fly swatter. Far from effective.

   Here there will be a massive computer network set up. For the monitoring of weather and earth related issues. These will be tied with every known source for the gathering of the needed information and where there isn't one, it will be created. Then there will be the stores of equipment and supplies needed to begin an almost immediate response to any need. Not the gathering of the items when needed, as we currently see, but the items already on hand and readied for distribution to an area, if not their being in transport already. The goal, as I was shown, is to be on site within 24 hrs. of a disaster.

   So far, this sounds like an impossible feat, for man, it would be, but for GOD nothing is impossible. Though I've worked on developing this ministry for 12 yrs. now, with but the leadership of GOD and it is myself alone at the helm. I know that HE would not have kept me working on it, going through almost every different division of it, for it not to happen. I'm no businessman, great logistic coordinator, or computer guru, I'm but a simple man that has humbled myself before GOD and realized that HE has called me to do this. An though I've done a lot of charity work along the gulf coast, because I'm a carpenter and work with my hands, I've not the slightest ideal as to how HE'll bring this all about. The only thing I do know, is that this is my calling, GOD has chosen me for and I'll work it until the day I die, alone, if need be!!!

   (I don't know the reason for this posting, I'm just doing as led, for most of this can be found somewhere on the ministry's web site. I pray that the LORD will open the ears and hearts of those that HE wants this to come to and they'll pray and follow that which HE leads them unto. My life is GOD's and in HIM only I trust!!!)

 May GOD bless you and lead you,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries     

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


 Praise the LORD!!!

    WHAT??? You may ask and it is my intent to tell you. I'd been working here at the apartments for eight months. Asked at first, while still working at another complex, to fill in until they could find a full time person. Two were hired and both were short lived. One for a whole day and the other, didn't even make it to lunch. With both of these I was allowed to give them a several hour 'briefing' as to what their job would entail and then given the boot:) From what I've written you should be able to see that the boot wasn't on the foot for very long and I was asked to come back and take over my work. Now I didn't mind doing this, because I saw it as doing that which JESUS would want me to. Helping someone out that was truly in need, which they were.

   This began to wear on, to the point that they removed their adds from the paper. They also began to add more work to my already heavy work load, even requesting that I do works to which I'd already to them that I wasn't qualified to do; plumbing and electrical. Have grown up with an old fashioned craftsman, I can do much in many fields, even plumbing and electrical, but there are limits that I set as to how far I'll go in these fields. Personally, I'd rather see a job done correctly and not have to return and redo it, than to jury-rig it in the first place. It is a much better profession attitude than what they were wanting, but one I'll not give into!

   Most of you are familiar with my online postings and if you've not noticed, most were made in the mornings, while a few were made during the lunchtime break. These though were beginning to become more and more scarce. The reason behind this is that as the day wore on, I was falling deeper and deeper into a state, for lack of a better word, depression. A deep foreboding fog would envelope me by mid day. Something which was causing me to spend most of my day in prayer for relief from it. I was sinking into a mire of mud so thick, that I could barely be removed from it's grasp. My personal hygiene was beginning to suffer, there was a total lack of desire to do much of anything and this began to take a toll upon my relationship with the LORD. It was getting to be the norm that besides early morning time with the LORD, was the only time spent with HIM and I don't like that. Even my practice of being constant in prayer was faltering and this is one asset that I consider primary in my walk. Everything and anything that I undertake is put before the LORD, before it is done. These kind of conditions should be a 'red flag' to any Christian and one where a reaction is needed.

   My reaction to this was along the lines of what I'd normally do, prayer and lots of it. It started on Friday and continued all weekend. Monday morning I'd yet to receive a viable response to my prayers, so I continued to go to work, but also poured out my heart even more so. By quitting time Monday things had only gotten worst and I continued to increase my level of prayer. I was so deep in the quagmire by this time that I didn't even grab a bite to eat until almost eight PM. and then ended up going to be just after nine. When I awoke in the morning my heart was full of but one thing, that was the fact that the only way to get out of this problem was to get out from under that which was causing it, the job. I didn't just jump up and quit though, for I've learned to 'try the spirit' of a message, never just going with first impressions. For the adversary can use this manor to side-track us quickly and I wasn't going to fall for it! After two hours of trying this solution it was clear to me that it was of the LORD and my action was quickly to follow. I went to the office and told the manager that I quit and the reasons behind it. In short time the deep foreboding fog that had been covering me, was replaced with an unbelievable peace. Sure I don't know where my next months rent will come from. Or where I'll get the money to purchase food and other items. But to once again be at peace within and with GOD far out shadows any of these problems. I've faith that the GOD that got me here from Ohio with but twenty dollars in my pocket,, will be same one that will carry me through, through to the fulfilling of that which HE brought me here for. The set up and bringing to full operational status Vine of CHRIST Ministries' first fully operational office and D.R.O.C.!!!

 May GOD richly bless you and guide you this day,

 Rev. Marshall Barth

 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Praise the LORD!!!

   Since June of '99' I've personally worked alone on the set up and formation of V.C.M. Though every cent has come out of my own pocket and every hour has not been for pay, I've loved every moment of it!!! From the earliest set up in the basement of my rental house in Springfield, Missouri to my current rental in Kingsville, Texas, it has all been an awesome experience.

   Now it all hasn't been by my own hands, because there were a great deal of goods that were donated. These for the bulk went out to others along my way, though there were those that were specifically given to the ministry for it's operations(like this computer, which was frozen by a virus.) From those in need of food or clothing, to those whom had their homes destroyed by disaster, it was a combined effort afforded me only by the grace of GOD through my belief in JESUS CHRIST. It is a great joy to see a smile on a person's face when you can provide the needed food for their families table for the week, or that from helping do the labor of repairing their home after it has been ravaged by storm. It is a greater joy to see this smile when you tell them that the reason you've done these things isn't for personal glory, but because you want to show them the love GOD has for them, through your actions.

   This joy is really unexplainable. It's so intense and lasting that human words and feeling can't fully express it. I guess the best way to say it would be, that JESUS loves you and wants to share eternity with you, because HE is what it is all about anyway, now isn't it!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

VINEnotes January 2011

Praise the LORD!!!

   I pray the LORD has blessed you with a pleasant transition into the new year. It's been a while since I've been able to afford the time to post a newsletter, but this is it, though a bit brief. There has been little accomplished along the lines of the ministry in the last several months. This due to the fact that I've been having to work at the apartment complex and haven't had the funds or time to do much else. As most of you know, I am basically all that the ministry is. I'm the soul person involved in it's make up and the only contributor to it's works, Anything that has been accomplished over the years has come about by my hands and financial support. I'm not complaining, just stating simple facts. Much more could of been accomplished if there had been others involved, but this hasn't been the case.

   There have been those that have told me that "if it were truly the LORD's will for the ministry to be, it would happen." True, but people tend to forget, that all things happen according to GOD's timetables and not our own. You can believe me when I say I've spent many hours in prayer over this and I know without a doubt that eventually(in GOD's timing) it will happen. I'll not stop working at it, or even waver from that which the LORD has shown me. I'm that sure that the visions shown me will be as they were given!!!

   Over the last two months I've been led to spend a good bit of my time on Twitter. Joining in with the Christian community there, uplifting the LORD and the GOSPEL to the best of my ability. I've had interactions with many great folks, and a few contrary ones, and yesterday posted the highest visits to the web site ever. Though only twenty visits and page views it is a 'milestone,' for it shows the word is getting out. Now I've had many offers, like most of you, of all kinds of methods to boost web site traffic. These though are all worldly and I'll not operate the ministry in that way, EVER!!! The same goes for asking for donations. As stated numerous times, this ministry doesn't do this and people shall be led by the LORD alone to contribute. The constant battering by ministries for money, was one of my biggest 'pevs' before I was Born Again and one I'll not repeat with this ministry. This means no matter what happens. Now there are fliers out at the two complexes at which I work, but these just ask people to pass on those things that they're already getting rid of, so they can be passed along to those in need. No 'give, give, give', just asking to allow us to assist in passing along usable items they're disposing of. With these and my gathering of items left in apartments, an inventory is beginning to grow. Slowly, but it is growing and I've already been blessed to pass some of these items along.

   Where and what the ministry will be doing in the next month, I don't know, but I trust that the LORD will continue to bless it, so I can pass these blessing onto others!!!