Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Praise the LORD!!!

    What I'm about to write, can be called nothing else, but a "SLAP!" Why, you may ask? The only reason that comes to heart, is that it is a reflection of the church and the heart of the BODY of CHRIST. This reflection, is marred and truly not as it should be.

   Most likely any of you that are reading this, are familiar with my ministry, my life and all the recent events within these. If not, a little research online can reveal all these, for I'm totally transparent about these.The truth is, this isn't about me and my walk with the LORD, for though this does reflect upon my works for the LORD, it isn't my lack that is being brought to the forefront.

   Since the inception of the ministry, back in June of '99', I've always put out notice of the intents of the ministry and the needs. Not asking for donations, but asking that you pray over these needs and do as the LORD leads and that only. From the beginning there seemed to develop a trend and this is that which this blog is about! This trend has greatly been revealed to me over the last several years, through the events that the LORD has walked me through. All these can be found, either at the ministry's website(in the newsletters) or in one of my blogs, or at one of the social sites that I frequent.

   What is this trend, you may be asking? The trend that more non church going Christians reveal Christian charity and faith, then those that regularly attend church!!! Some of you may be saying, "hold on now, I give my tithes at church and I regularly take part in the churches outreaches." Yes, this may be true, but how often do you reach outside of these? How often do you go the "extra mile" JESUS spoke of us going?(Matt. 5:39-42) How often do you play the part of the "good Samaritan," assisting one along the 'roadside' of your walk through life?(Luke 10:30-37)

   If these questions have stirred deep thought within your heart, you've been 'slapped,' but not by me, but by the LORD. For it is a sad statement, but one I'm thankful for, when anyone can say "they've received more compassion from those outside of the church, then they have from those within!!!"

   Most ministries at this time would enlist your tithes, but not mine! I ask you to pray, ask the LORD to reveal the truths of these matters. Then and only then, ask HIM what you can and should do about these and then do them!!!!!!!

   If you need prayer, you can use our email prayer line:

 May GOD richly bless you and guide you and may you hear HIS calling unto you!!!
 Rev. Marshall Barth
 Vine of CHRIST Ministries

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