Monday, December 29, 2014

Almost there...

Praise the LORD!!!

   Well folks, we're almost there. At the end of another year and the beginning of a new one. And like every other year's end, we've tons of "ministries" and "organizations" asking for donations!!!

   If you're anything like me, you've subscribed to numerous "Christian" groups/newsletters and the such. So your email boxes are crammed with pleas for "end of year" donations to their prospective needs.

   That is one thing you'll not see coming from this ministry, and one of the greatest differences between this ministry and many others. That is it's means of obtaining funding for operations. Most, you'll see very little difference between them and those of the world(non CHRIST centered.) They will boast of the many "works" they've done over the year(s), they'll take about all that they've "grown" and talk about all that they "could" do, if they receive the "needed" funding to do so.

   Here I am, running this ministry "out of pocket(that which I've been blessed to earn);"  off from work, going on three weeks now; and still leaving the matter of "if this ministry will survive another day," totally in the hands of GOD alone!!!

   A life of serving GOD with your all is tough. You grow used to "trials and tribulations" within your daily life. You go at things totally different than most. You face them head on and deal with them moment by moment. For there is no tomorrow that we're promised. Sure, we've a ton of blessings we're promised. Tons of them, that can "fall into our laps," at any given moment. But the truth is, these are all dependent on the matter of what GOD holds in store for tomorrow and whether or not HE is going to bless you with a tomorrow !?!

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