Monday, October 19, 2009

Why is it called ministries?

Praise the LORD!!!
   Why is Vine of CHRIST Ministries called what it is? Ministries and not ministry, for it isn’t one distinct ministry, but a compilation of multiple ministries. As stated on our website, it started out to concentrate on prison inmates and their families. Since the LORD originally impressed it upon my heart, HE’s shown me much, much more.
   It has multiple branches, not unlike a vine, covering numerous ministries under one roof. Ranging from food ministries to supply food to the needy in many ways. Soup kitchens to feed the homeless, food pantries to provide food to those with homes. Daycare for those that can’t afford the cost of regular centers and prenatal care centers. A library with books, tapes and videos, all Christian oriented. A youth ministry with sports and activities, tutoring and counseling, not to mention the normal Christian areas of Bible study and fellowship. Then there are temporary shelters, a mobile medical center (with dental) and housing renovation for those unable to afford these themselves. Also, call in prayer lines and online ones also. Plus a substance abuse  and aftercare program.
   Now we come to the reason I’m in Texas at this time. The disaster relief program, which will eventually have a dog training center. Which will train service dogs, search and rescue and cadaver dogs. All these on top of all the other things you’d associate with a ministry. Such as Bible studies, daily devotional, news letters and the like.
   Now can you see why it’s called ministries and not ministry!
GOD bless and good day,
Rev. Marshall Barth
Vine of CHRIST Ministries

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